The Hot Zone Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Preston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hot Zone Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Preston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is another name for the biocontainment pod?
(a) A bubble stretcher.
(b) Ambulance.
(c) Portable slammer.
(d) A refrigerator truck.

2. In Rhonda's dream, what is the monkey holding in its hand?
(a) A vial of Ebola.
(b) A monkey biscuit.
(c) A face mask.
(d) A syringe.

3. Who becomes the designated team leader for USAMRIID's biohazard mission into the monkey house?
(a) C.J. Peters.
(b) Gene Johnson.
(c) Tom Geisbert.
(d) Nancy Jaax.

4. What is Robin MacDonald's profession?
(a) He is an epidemiologist.
(b) He is a medical doctor.
(c) He is a veterinarian.
(d) He is a hunter and safari guide.

5. What are all laboratory beakers in a hot zone made of?
(a) Chemturion.
(b) Silicone.
(c) Glass.
(d) Plastic.

6. What is bacillus subtilis niger?
(a) A deadly bacteria with effects similar to Ebola.
(b) A bacteria that acts like bleach.
(c) A bacteria that emits noxious fumes.
(d) A harmless, but tough to kill bacteria.

7. When would the reconnaissance mission begin?
(a) Midnight.
(b) Noon.
(c) 0500 hours.
(d) 1030 hours.

8. What do the frying pans release into the air?
(a) Formaldehyde gas.
(b) Bleach.
(c) Bacillus subtilis niger.
(d) An experimental vaccine.

9. What reason does Preston give for visiting Kitum Cave?
(a) He wants to take samples of guano.
(b) He wants to take samples of the crystals.
(c) He wants to look around.
(d) He wants to interview the locals.

10. What has happened to one of the animal caretakers in the monkey house?
(a) He has had a heart attack.
(b) He has died.
(c) He has crashed and bled out.
(d) He has quit his job.

11. What does McCormick observe in the Ebola victims in the Zande village?
(a) Red eyes.
(b) Hemorrhages.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) Convulsions.

12. What does Jerry tell Nancy about his day?
(a) It had gone well.
(b) It was lonely.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) No one had stuck themselves with a needle.

13. Where does the group stop for beer and charcoal?
(a) Nzara.
(b) Kitale.
(c) Kasensero.
(d) Kisumu.

14. What substance does Preston bring with him to help disinfect anything he might contaminate?
(a) Detergent.
(b) A vial of an experimental vaccine.
(c) Envirochem.
(d) Bleach.

15. Who is the commander of the United States Army Medical Research and Development Command?
(a) David Huxsoll.
(b) C.J. Peters.
(c) Jerry Jaax.
(d) Philip K. Russell.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many other people are traveling with Preston?

2. What is the fatality rate of Ebola Reston among the monkeys?

3. What must all of the animal caretakers at the monkey house now wear?

4. What is the mandate of the CDC?

5. Where does Dalgard agree to deliver monkey samples to the team from USAMRIID?

(see the answer keys)

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