The Greek Way Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Greek Way Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the crime that Socrates committed that resulted in his execution?
(a) support of the Egyptians
(b) corruption of youth and introduction of new gods
(c) criticism of the king
(d) debt

2. What was characteristic of Greek art?
(a) mind and spirit have no effect on art
(b) mind stronger than spirit
(c) spirit stronger than mind
(d) mind and spirit in equal balance

3. What word best describes the ancient Athenians?
(a) contol by priests
(b) fearful
(c) freedom
(d) superstitious

4. The Athenian audience of Aristophanes ___________________________.
(a) was judgmental
(b) was accepting of the subject matter
(c) didn't understand his humor
(d) walked out

5. By the time Aristophanes began writing, Greek drama was ________________________.
(a) past its summit
(b) at its summit
(c) gaining in popularity
(d) nonesixtent

Short Answer Questions

1. In Egypt ___________________________.

2. The war with the Persians ended with the battle at ___________________.

3. A Greek writer was concerned with ______________________.

4. The Egyptians believed that when a man died _____________________________________.

5. The style of Greek writing is _____________________________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Who basically engaged in intellectual discussions?

2. What were the characteristics of the ancient world in which Athens existed?

3. Why is it said that Pindar looked toward the past?

4. How did Herodotus report the facts in his writings?

5. What did the literature of ancient Greece indicate about the relationships between the individual and the state?

6. As stated in Laws and other writings of the time, what was the function of the priest?

7. What is the main characteristic of Greek architecture of the time?

8. Before the rise of Athens, Egypt was the greatest civilization. What were the characteristics of this civilization?

9. What indication is there that the lives of the Greeks were different than the lives of the Egyptians?

10. Who was Aristophanes?

(see the answer keys)

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