The Glass Castle Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Jeannette Walls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Castle Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Jeannette Walls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Three, Welch, Pages 183-241,.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who takes care of baby Maureen while the family is moving?
(a) Brian.
(b) Grandma Smith.
(c) Lori and Jeannette.
(d) The Walls parents.

2. What does Rose Mary want to discuss with her daughter in Part 1?
(a) Politics.
(b) Painters and a recent art exhibit.
(c) The author's childhood.
(d) How she needs help.

3. How do Grandpa and Uncle Stanley react to Erma?
(a) They are abusive towards her.
(b) They don't stand up to her.
(c) They are embarrassed by her.
(d) They yell at her a lot.

4. Why do Rex and Rose Mary leave the children with their grandparents?
(a) Because Rex has a new moneymaking scheme in Texas.
(b) They want the kids to spend 'quality time' with Erma.
(c) To return to Phoenix to pick up their belongings.
(d) To go on a second honeymoon.

5. What genre of book is "The Glass Castle"?
(a) Biography.
(b) Suspense.
(c) Non-fiction.
(d) Memoir.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Rex lose so many jobs?

2. Where do the children go to shower after there is no longer any bathroom in their house?

3. Jeannette's parents believe that children need:

4. What happens to the money that Jeannette is supposed to use to feed the family in Part 3?

5. Why does Jeannette enjoy staying in the hospital?

(see the answer key)

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