The Game of Kings Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Game of Kings Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Three, Chapters I and II.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mariotta consider Richard when he returns?
(a) Immature.
(b) Unsociable.
(c) Uncaring.
(d) Rude.

2. Who finds Mariotta after her miscarriage?
(a) Richard's men.
(b) Francis's men.
(c) Richard.
(d) Francis.

3. What is left at the scene of the shooting after the Papingo contest?
(a) A broken bow.
(b) A glove.
(c) A boot.
(d) A broken arrow.

4. In the example that Will remembers in Part 1, Chapter 5, what does Francis take from the English train?
(a) Food, drink provisions, and money.
(b) Drink provisions and money.
(c) Food and money.
(d) Food and drink provisions.

5. What type of discussion does Will observe between Francis and Richard at the end of Part 1, Chapter 1?
(a) Unfriendly.
(b) Brief.
(c) Friendly.
(d) Elaborate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What river does Agnes land in after falling off of Richard's horse?

2. Who accompanies Christian to care for the Queen in Part 3, Chapter 2?

3. What battle is described in Part 1, Chapter 1?

4. Why is Agnes sent to Midculter?

5. Who sets the trap for the Scottish troops to encircle Will and Wat?

(see the answer key)

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