The Door in the Wall Test | Final Test - Easy

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Door in the Wall Test | Final Test - Easy

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brother Luke reassure Robin of at the beginning of Section 8?
(a) He will have a father.
(b) He will have a good life.
(c) He will have a brother.
(d) He will have a mother.

2. Where does John propose in Section 7 that he, Brother Luke, and Robin stay in the woods?
(a) A woodsman’s cottage.
(b) A barn.
(c) The ground.
(d) A hollow tree.

3. Who does Robin seek to help him escape the castle?
(a) His father.
(b) Brother Luke.
(c) Sir Peter.
(d) John-go-in-the-Wynd.

4. Who comes to the aid of Sir Peter in Section 9?
(a) Brother Luke and the Monks.
(b) Hugh Fitzhugh.
(c) John the Minstrel.
(d) Jack Lawson.

5. What phrase does Robin repeat as he worries about his progress in Section 9?
(a) Anyone could do it.
(b) No one could do it.
(c) Someone else could do it.
(d) Anyone could not do it.

6. How does Robin know the sentry has passed in Section 9?
(a) He hears the bell.
(b) He hears the key.
(c) He listens for the dogs.
(d) He counts the paces.

7. What do Brother Luke and John request of Robin in Section 6?
(a) That he do his daily swim.
(b) That he walk.
(c) That he say his prayers.
(d) That he sing.

8. Why are only the women present for dinner the evening of the fog in Section 8?
(a) The men are at war.
(b) The men are in the arena.
(c) The men are jousting.
(d) The men stand guard.

9. What does John do to sound the alarm?
(a) Shouts to the army.
(b) Plays his harp.
(c) Sounds the horns.
(d) Rings the bells.

10. How does John plan to enter the town in Section 9?
(a) The chapel.
(b) The shoemaker’s house.
(c) The moat.
(d) The bridge.

11. What does Robin hear the men beneath them at the inn trying to plan?
(a) Robbing a bank.
(b) Killing them.
(c) Robbing them.
(d) Kidnapping Robin.

12. What does John show Robin one last time before he leaves?
(a) His journal.
(b) How he sings to the flute.
(c) His bible.
(d) How the harp fits together.

13. How does John make money while Robin plays in Section 7?
(a) He plays the games.
(b) He plays the harp.
(c) He wins at cards.
(d) He wins at betting.

14. What does Brother Luke do on Robin’s return in Section 10?
(a) Care for him.
(b) Imprison him.
(c) Hail him.
(d) Report him.

15. How do Robin and John enter the church in Section 10?
(a) Through the market.
(b) Through the gate.
(c) Through the graveyard.
(d) Through the chapel.

Short Answer Questions

1. In which hostel do Brother Luke, Brother Matthews, and Robin stay the second evening of their journey?

2. Why are the men at the inn in Section 6 not afraid of Robin?

3. What is the name of Sir Peter’s wife?

4. Where does Robin sleep at the inn on the second evening of his journey?

5. What does Robin’s father say about his disability at the end of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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