The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Staples lie when she and Nelson meet at the Monkey Tree?
(a) Having retained incriminating photos.
(b) Knowing Marie's whereabouts.
(c) Having connections to the CIA.
(d) Her past working relationship with McAllister.

2. While watching a Chinese plane refuel at the airport, what do Webb and the impostor agree to do when the two men supervising the refueling enter the plane?
(a) Remain hidden until the next plane.
(b) Blow up another plane.
(c) Sneak into the plane's cargo area.
(d) Rush the plane hatch.

3. Who kills the impostor Bourne in the climactic scene at the mansion?
(a) Webb.
(b) McAllister.
(c) Marie.
(d) Conklin.

4. At the end of Chapter 30, what "signal" does Conklin see that prompts him to warn Panov to get Marie out of their hiding place immediately?
(a) He sees Havilland leaving the hospital in a rush.
(b) He gets a phone call from Bourne.
(c) He is contacted by Sheng.
(d) He learns McAllister is a traitor.

5. Why does Marie insist that her husband walk freely over to her right before the couple reunites?
(a) If he walks to her, she will believe it is him.
(b) If he walks to her, she knows he loves her.
(c) If he walks to her, he will be free.
(d) If he walks to her, he may forget what has happened.

6. As Havilland, McAllister, and Conklin agree to try to uncover why Staples was murdered, why does Conklin not want to be briefed?
(a) Fear of a mole.
(b) Fear of Bourne.
(c) Fear of a spy.
(d) Fear of a secret agent.

7. After Havilland explains to Webb why he had to trick him, how does Webb feel toward him?
(a) Webb forgives Havilland.
(b) Webb does not trust Havilland.
(c) Webb fears Havilland.
(d) Webb trusts Havilland.

8. What covers are Webb and McAllister using to arrive by helicopter at the hospital?
(a) Doctors.
(b) Pilots.
(c) Paramedics.
(d) Janitorial staff.

9. As Webb and Marie watch the sunset on the beach, what does Marie tell Webb he must "thank" Bourne for?
(a) Avenging d'Anjou.
(b) Saving Asia from war.
(c) Rescuing her.
(d) Returning her husband to her.

10. After Conklin threatens to expose Havilland with information given to him by Marie and Panov, with what does Havilland threaten Conklin?
(a) Killing Marie and framing Conklin.
(b) Killing Conklin and framing Bourne.
(c) Killing Bourne and framing Conklin.
(d) Killing Conklin and making it look like a suicide.

11. With whom does Catherine Staples have a conversation in the beginning of Chapter 17?
(a) Raymond Havilland.
(b) Jonathan Lewis.
(c) Edward McAllister.
(d) John Nelson.

12. After the men in Victoria Peak hear the belated news about Staples' death, who does Havilland tell McAllister to check out further in order to determine who is betraying their plan?
(a) Panov.
(b) Staples' driver.
(c) Conklin.
(d) Lin.

13. What is the Canadian Commissioner asked to present to Havilland after he is told of a suspicious woman who has recently visited the Canadian consulate?
(a) A map documenting the sightings of Marie.
(b) A list of Marie's past occupations.
(c) A list of staff members who have had dealings with Marie.
(d) Phone numbers for all of Marie's family.

14. As he prepares to leave for Macau, why does Webb insist to his wife that it must be him to go after Sheng?
(a) Only by avenging d'Anjou can Asia be saved.
(b) Only by avenging d'Anjou can he be healed.
(c) Webb still has a death wish.
(d) Webb feels responsible for saving the country.

15. As he drives toward Hong Kong and the Victoria Peak mansion, what does Webb plan to do when he arrives at the mansion?
(a) Rescue Marie and leave Asia forever.
(b) Kill the man who has forced him to become Bourne.
(c) Take as many prisoners as he can to barter for Marie's life.
(d) Kill whoever he can in the house, and then die.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Havilland hope will be the outcome of Webb's plan to confront Sheng?

2. How did Sheng obtain the file McAllister says will ensure his safety at the meeting in the clearing?

3. After Marie and Panov receive the news of Staples' murder, why does Conklin say he will not return to where they are hiding?

4. As he knows Webb is approaching, why is Conklin fearful after he puts Marie and Panov into a taxi?

5. What is Havilland surprised to learn when Webb tells him about the trap set for him in Beijing?

(see the answer keys)

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