The Black God's Drums Test | Final Test - Easy

P. Djèlí Clark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Black God's Drums Test | Final Test - Easy

P. Djèlí Clark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the founder of the sisters' order?
(a) Sister Ricki.
(b) Sister Henriette.
(c) Sister Jovey.
(d) Sister Helen.

2. Who takes Duval from the cajun and the other men in Part III?
(a) The Short Man.
(b) The Tall Man.
(c) Madame LeBoeuf.
(d) The nuns.

3. Who led France's fleet in its fight in Haiti?
(a) Napolean.
(b) Helion.
(c) Marcorn.
(d) Filey.

4. What does Creeper conclude about what the Midnight Robber does?
(a) It is a drug-running ship.
(b) It is a food service ship.
(c) It is a smuggling ship.
(d) It is a coffin ship.

5. What do Sisters Eunice and Agnes make to eat?
(a) Roasts.
(b) Bread.
(c) Gumbo.
(d) Potatoes.

6. What does Oya rule over as much as she rules the winds?
(a) The cemetery.
(b) The fire.
(c) The river.
(d) The sea.

7. Where does Creeper lead herself and the captain to to find Duval?
(a) The pool.
(b) The gym.
(c) The railway station.
(d) The theater.

8. What does Agnes suggest Eunice give up for Lent?
(a) Her sleepwalking.
(b) Her chocolate.
(c) Her whiskey.
(d) Her sharp tongue.

9. Why were some stone buildings and houses abandoned in the swamp?
(a) They are haunted.
(b) The first tempete noire flooded the swamp and ruined all the houses.
(c) They are claimed by the Confederacy.
(d) They are houses of the Goddesses.

10. What does Eunice say about the captain and Creeper?
(a) They may be lovers some day.
(b) They need each other.
(c) They are destined to hurt each other.
(d) They are like mother and daughter.

11. Who runs a guerilla war?
(a) General Strao.
(b) General Tubman.
(c) General Henry.
(d) General Whirl.

12. What do Eunice and Agnes give Creeper and Feral to help them in the swamp?
(a) Food.
(b) Hats.
(c) Sunglasses.
(d) Boots.

13. What does the captain say she does not get from Oshun?
(a) Sweets.
(b) Visions.
(c) Love.
(d) Riches.

14. Why is Jewel so frightened of Creeper at first?
(a) She yells loudly.
(b) She speaks another language.
(c) She is ugly.
(d) She looks scary in her gas mask.

15. What is Feral's heritage?
(a) She is the daughter of a military general.
(b) She is a Confederate.
(c) She is a "Hideaway."
(d) She is the daughter of a priest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color is the substance the nuns give the captain?

2. What startles the captain about the two sisters Eunice and Agnes?

3. Where do the captain, Creeper, and their guide begin their journey to the Dead City?

4. Who was Dessalines's own inventor?

5. What does the captain think the nuns might be?

(see the answer keys)

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