The Black God's Drums Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

P. Djèlí Clark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Black God's Drums Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

P. Djèlí Clark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who built Les Grand Murs?
(a) Americans.
(b) Dutchmen.
(c) The French.
(d) The British.

2. What is Creeper carrying in her dream?
(a) A candle.
(b) A book.
(c) A machete.
(d) A weight.

3. What jacket does the captain wear?
(a) A snakeskin jacket.
(b) A lamb jacket.
(c) A leather jacket.
(d) A Free Isles jacket.

4. What does the captain call Creeper that Creeper takes offense to?
(a) Rose.
(b) Lickle gal.
(c) Errand girl.
(d) Rat.

5. Why do people sometimes think Creeper is a boy?
(a) She has a deep voice.
(b) She has short hair.
(c) She dresses like a boy.
(d) No one knows.

6. What does Creeper start to think about the captain?
(a) She is soft.
(b) She is mean.
(c) She is not very bright.
(d) She is stubborn.

7. Who does Creeper target for pick-pocketing in Part I?
(a) A constable.
(b) A woman in a short skirt.
(c) An airship captain.
(d) A man in a plaid suit.

8. Where does Creeper live?
(a) Les Grand Murs.
(b) The swamp.
(c) The French Quarter.
(d) The Particle.

9. Why does Creeper say she has given up school?
(a) The other children shun her because of her mother.
(b) She could not keep up.
(c) She does not say why.
(d) She liked it too much.

10. What is another phrase for bad storms?
(a) Tempetes Hellicons.
(b) Tempetes Roses.
(c) Temetes Noires.
(d) Tempetes Richions.

11. What happened during Creeper's birth?
(a) A big storm.
(b) A tsunami.
(c) An earthquake.
(d) A rainbow.

12. What is Creeper's favorite airship?
(a) The Helicon.
(b) The Grim's Reaper.
(c) The Midnight Robber.
(d) The Bordeau.

13. What is Creeper wearing in her dream?
(a) A green dress.
(b) A burgundy dress.
(c) A yellow dress.
(d) A black dress.

14. How old is Creeper when the story begins?
(a) 10.
(b) 13.
(c) 22.
(d) 29.

15. Who owns the bordello?
(a) Madame Diouf.
(b) Madame Fabricante.
(c) Madame Henries.
(d) Madame Relleno.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Creeper say her father died?

2. Who does the bordello owner worry Creeper is associating with?

3. What does Creeper eat while waiting for the captain to appear in Part II?

4. What do the people in Creeper's alcove discuss?

5. What force is Oshun associated with?

(see the answer keys)

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