The Age of Bede Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Bede Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Bede report Benedict appointed as abbot over the foundation he started?
(a) Hwaetbehrt.
(b) Sigfrith.
(c) Eosterwine.
(d) Ceolfrith.

2. On what date does the anonymous author report Ceolfrith boarded a ship to cross the sea to Gaul?
(a) June 4.
(b) August 12.
(c) July 14.
(d) July 4.

3. What condition does Bede write affected Sigfrith during his service as abbot?
(a) A painful and incurable disease of the lungs.
(b) A curved spine.
(c) Blindness.
(d) A lame leg.

4. How did the anonymous author claim that Ceolfrith came to study for the priesthood?
(a) He was appointed by his Bishop Wilford.
(b) He was appointed by his cousin Tunbert.
(c) He was appointed by his brother Cynefrith.
(d) He was appointed by Abbot Botulf.

5. During their journey, what did they discover surrounded Judas Iscariot?
(a) A scroll of condemnation.
(b) A great number of demons.
(c) Flames of torment.
(d) Cold isolation.

Short Answer Questions

1. How often did the traveling party eat on the journey away from the island?

2. Who does the anonymous writer record God sent to be the guide of Brendan's traveling party after they landed on the island?

3. What example does the anonymous author claim that Ceolfrith took from his brother Cynefrith?

4. How long did Ceolfrith preside over the responsibilities appointed to him by Benedict?

5. How were Benedict and Sigfrith able to meet with each other shortly before they died from their illnesses, according to Bede?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Bede note that Benedict chose as abbot for the new monastery he built at Jarrow?

2. Who does Bede claim endorsed the choice of the monks of Jarrow and Wearmouth?

3. Who does the anonymous author claim chose Ceolfrith to become a priest?

4. In what practice did Ceolfrith train new monks and priests, according to the anonymous writer?

5. What action does the anonymous writer claim Ceolfrith took when he decided he was too old to be a good example to his followers?

6. Who provided the land for which a church and monastery could be built by Ceolfrith and Benedict according to the anonymous writer?

7. Why does the anonymous writer claim Ceolfrith accompanied Benedict on a trip to Rome?

8. How far does the anonymous writer claim Ceolfrith got on his last pilgrimage to Rome?

9. How did the abbot at Wearmouth die while Benedict was on a pilgrimage to Rome according to Bede?

10. Who did Bede record the monks at Wearmouth had chosen as the replacement for the abbot chosen by Benedict?

(see the answer keys)

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