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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In what country was Adams a diplomat in the 1780s?
2. When did the results of the Constitutional Convention ion 1787 reach Adams and Jefferson?
3. Where did Adams and Jefferson meet?
4. Along with Adams and Jefferson, how many other people were on the committee assigned to write the Declaration of Independence?
5. How much of a concern was Prussia for Adams and Jefferson between 1785 and 1786?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why are the Federalists no longer a political party?
2. Why did Jefferson stop writing to Abigail, in Chapter 5?
3. Which party did Jefferson belong to and what did it stand for?
4. What role did Abigail Adams have in the letters?
5. How did Adams and Jefferson meet?
6. What events led Jefferson to France in 1784?
7. How did Adams respond to a meeting with the ambassador of Tripoli, in Chapter 4?
8. Which two options did Adams and Jefferson give to Congress about dealing with the Barbary pirates, in Chapter 4?
9. How did the U.S. lose a strategic link to France in 1787?
10. For which qualities did Adams and Jefferson respect each other?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
As diplomats, Adams and Jefferson tried to negotiate an association with Britain and France, with much different results.
1) Describe the intent of the negotiations with Britain and France.
2) Explain the reasons why Britain and France had a different view of their negotiations with Adams and Jefferson.
3) Analyze the effect that France and Britain had on the development of trade and commerce in the United States.
Essay Topic 2
The whale fishery market was an area that Adams and Jefferson focused on during their diplomacy.
1) Describe the whale-fishery markets before, during, and after the Revolution.
2) Explain why the whale-fishery market and its products were important to Adams and Jefferson.
3) Analyze the approach that Adams and Jefferson used in dealing with the whale-fishery market and how trade was restored.
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the conflict in the correspondence between Adams and Jefferson, including an analysis of their actions before and after the election, and how the letters were used to display their disagreements.
This section contains 701 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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