The Tempest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tempest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Act IV, Scene I, what does Prospero promise to Ariel after asking him to pursue Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban?
(a) Imprisonment.
(b) Love.
(c) Knowledge.
(d) Freedom.

2. What does Gonzalo contrast to the character of his present company during the banquet?
(a) The dancing spirits Prospero conjures.
(b) Ariel.
(c) Trinculo, Caliban and Stephano.
(d) Miranda and Ferdinand.

3. What does Alonso wonder about when he sees that Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban are intoxicated?
(a) If their intoxication came from something they ate on the island.
(b) If Prospero made them drunk.
(c) Where they procured the wine.
(d) When their intoxication will wear off.

4. In his soliloquy in Act IV, Scene I, what does Prospero insinuate a personal connection to?
(a) Nature.
(b) Miranda.
(c) Spirits.
(d) Ariel.

5. While discussing the plan with Caliban, what is Stephano's main objective?
(a) To find his shipmates.
(b) To kill Caliban.
(c) To marry Miranda.
(d) To escape back to the ship.

6. In the false banquet scene, what characteristic of Gonzalo is revealed that he shares with Miranda and Ferdinand?
(a) Purity.
(b) Naivety.
(c) Intelligence.
(d) Selflessness.

7. What does Prospero comment on in regard to Gonzalo?
(a) His courage.
(b) His meekness.
(c) His intelligence.
(d) His honor.

8. Who does Prospero feel betrayed by in Act IV, Scene I?
(a) Sebastian.
(b) Caliban.
(c) Alonso.
(d) Antonio.

9. Who does Caliban talk about at length to Stephano?
(a) Trinculo.
(b) Prospero.
(c) Miranda.
(d) Ariel.

10. What does the banquet scene reveal about Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio?
(a) That Alonso feels guilt for what he did, while the other two do not.
(b) That Antonio and Sebastian feel guilt for what they did, while Alonso does not.
(c) That Alonso, Antonio and Sebastian do not feel guilt for what they did.
(d) That the men are easily fooled.

11. By the beginning of Act III, Scene II, what is the state of Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano?
(a) Elated.
(b) Mad.
(c) Sick.
(d) Drunk.

12. What subplot comes to an end at the completion of Act IV, Scene I?
(a) Ariel's dedication to Prospero.
(b) The deal between Prospero and Ariel.
(c) Prospero's use of his magical powers.
(d) The plan by Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano to kill Prospero.

13. Under what circumstances will Prospero curse Ferdinand's and Miranda's marriage?
(a) If they have premarital sex.
(b) If they try to elope.
(c) If Miranda has any communication with Caliban.
(d) If Ferdinand thwarts Prospero's plan of revenge.

14. What does Prospero throw into the ocean?
(a) His magical staff.
(b) His magic book.
(c) His king's robe.
(d) His old crown.

15. At the beginning of Act III, Scene II, who does Caliban vow to serve?
(a) Stephano.
(b) Prospero..
(c) Miranda
(d) Trinculo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Ariel bring back at Prospero's request?

2. What is the banquet supposed to elicit in the men?

3. What does Ariel ask Prospero before going to fetch Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano?

4. What does Prospero realize about himself when Ariel tells him about the men in the cave?

5. In Act V, Scene I, who do Sebastian and Antonio make jokes about after Ariel brings everyone back?

(see the answer keys)

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