The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is not lulled to sleep in Act II, Scene I?
(a) Alonso and Sebastian.
(b) Gonzalo and Sebastian.
(c) Antonio and Sebastian.
(d) Antonio and Gonzalo.

2. Antonio castigates the Boatswain during the storm, because he believes the sailors are
(a) Sluggish.
(b) Disrespectful.
(c) Drunk.
(d) Incompetent.

3. Why does Miranda urge Ferdinand not to work so hard?
(a) He will overtire too soon.
(b) She wants him to spend time with her.
(c) He will hurt himself.
(d) It upsets her seeing him like that.

4. Prospero gives Ferdinand a hard time in order to
(a) See his true character.
(b) Gain his respect.
(c) Keep him away from Miranda.
(d) Anger Alonso.

5. What does Trinculo wonder about Caliban after listening to his drunken speech?
(a) How he could have been afraid of someone so weak.
(b) How Caliban came to look the way he does.
(c) Why Caliban is on the island.
(d) How quickly Caliban became drunk.

6. When Act II, Scene II opens, what is Caliban doing?
(a) Running from torturous spirits.
(b) Cursing Prospero.
(c) Looking for Miranda.
(d) Carrying jugs of water.

7. What does Caliban believe Trinculo to be?
(a) Miranda's new suitor.
(b) Another torturous spirit.
(c) A pillager come to ruin the island.
(d) One of the sailors washed ashore.

8. How long ago was Antonio's usurpation of Prospero's throne in Milan?
(a) Twenty years.
(b) Seventeen years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Fifteen years.

9. Ariel lets the other ships return to Naples in order to
(a) Spare their lives.
(b) Tell the kingdom the king is dead.
(c) Preserve their secret.
(d) Tell everyone where Prospero is.

10. In his soliloquy, what does Ferdinand say makes his job easier?
(a) His natural strength.
(b) The nice weather.
(c) Thoughts of Miranda.
(d) Prospero's kindness.

11. Why does Ferdinand not want Miranda to help him with his work?
(a) Because it is too hard for her.
(b) Because she is too young.
(c) Because she has never done it before.
(d) Because he wants to show off for her.

12. Miranda at first took pity on Caliban and tried to
(a) Teach him how to speak.
(b) Teach him how to sing.
(c) Teach him how to read.
(d) Teach him how to write.

13. Prospero accuses Ferdinand of
(a) Wanting to rape Miranda.
(b) Wanting to steal the island.
(c) Trespassing.
(d) Polluting the island.

14. Who lulls the lords searching for Ferdinand into a deep sleep during their banter?
(a) Prospero.
(b) Miranda.
(c) Ariel.
(d) Caliban.

15. The two men who retreat to their cabins during the storm are
(a) Alonso and Antonio.
(b) Alonso and Ferdinand.
(c) Antonio and Gonzalo.
(d) Alonso and Gonzalo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Miranda do when Ferdinand confesses his love for her?

2. Alonso becomes more distraught after losing his son, remembering that he has also lost

3. How does one character finally get Caliban to calm down in Act II, Scene II?

4. After Ariel completes his duties, Prospero promises to

5. When he was Duke of Milan, Prospero turned his duties over to

(see the answer keys)

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