Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Medium

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone Fox Test | Final Test - Medium

John Reynolds Gardiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Doc Smith feel about Willy using his college money to enter the race?
(a) She thinks he is smart.
(b) She thinks he is a jokester.
(c) She thinks he is mentally ill.
(d) She thinks he is a fool.

2. What kind of dogs pull Stone Fox's sled?
(a) Shepherds.
(b) Akitas.
(c) Huskies.
(d) Samoyeds.

3. When Lester gives Willy the bottle of medicine he came for, what does it look like?
(a) Black coffee.
(b) Dirty milk.
(c) Root beer.
(d) Cherry soda.

4. Why does Willy want to take care of his grandfather?
(a) Because Willy gets paid by the state to take care of his grandfather.
(b) Because his grandfather took care of him when Willy's mother died.
(c) Because Willy's grandfather is rich and Willy knows he'll inherit money if he takes care of his grandfather.
(d) Because Willy's mother made him promise to take care of his grandfather.

5. How does little Willy receive his money to enter the dogsled race?
(a) In 5, ten-dollar gold pieces.
(b) In 5, ten-dollar bills.
(c) In 10 fresh five-dollar bills.
(d) In 50 crisp one-dollar bills.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do little Willy and Searchlight feel right before the race starts?

2. Where are the dogsled races held each year?

3. How much is the entrance fee for the dogsled race?

4. What does Grandfather do when Willy asks him if they should sell the farm?

5. What does Willy think will happen to his grandfather after he wins the race?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Stone Fox hit little Willy?

2. How does Lester feel about little Willy?

3. What does Stone Fox do with the money he wins from racing?

4. What does the book mean when it says little Willy "met the situation head on"?

5. Why is Chapter Five titled "The Way"?

6. What does Willy do to try to solve Grandfather's problem?

7. How does Doc Smith feel about Willy entering the dogsled race?

8. How does little Willy feel after he gets his money and enters the race?

9. Why does little Willy go into town the night before the race?

10. Why does Stone Fox not talk to white men?

(see the answer keys)

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