The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spanish Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the viceroy say that he will do after the marriage of Bel-Imperia and Balthazar?
(a) Raise money for orphans.
(b) Build a castle for Balthazar.
(c) Withdraw from public life and devote himself to prayer.
(d) Kill Lorenzo.

2. Lorenzo tells Bel-Imperia that something has angered Castile. What does he say this thing is?
(a) Lorenzo's lies to Hieronimo.
(b) Lorenzo's capture of Bel-Imperia.
(c) Bel-Imperia's grief at Andrea's death.
(d) Bel-Imperia's failure to love Balthazar.

3. Whom will Isabella find on her imaginary journey?
(a) Andrea.
(b) Horatio.
(c) Balthazar.
(d) Her maid.

4. Who comes in, calms Bel-Imperia and leads her out after her soliloquy in act 3, Scene 9?
(a) A servant.
(b) Horatio's ghost.
(c) Lorenzo.
(d) Pedringano.

5. Who does Lorenzo say can get messages through to Bel-Imperia?
(a) Serbine.
(b) Balthazar.
(c) Lorenzo
(d) Pedringano.

6. How does Balthazar respond to Bel-Imperia's rejection?
(a) He is wounded.
(b) He is relieved.
(c) He is excited.
(d) He is calm.

7. Why is the Ghost of Andrea upset after Hieronimo agrees to meet Lorenzo?
(a) He is afraid the two are joining forces.
(b) He is afraid Hieronimo will kill Lorenzo.
(c) He is not upset.
(d) He is afraid Lorenzo will kill Hieronimo.

8. What advice is given to Isabella in Act 3, Scene 8?
(a) Exact revenge.
(b) Take a walk.
(c) Move into the country.
(d) Take herbal remedies.

9. Who says the way to find Lorenzo is to take the path of a guilty conscience "unto a forest of distrust and fear" and to the "rocky cliffs" of despair and death?
(a) The king.
(b) Balthazar.
(c) The Ghost of Andrea.
(d) Hieronimo.

10. How are Bel-Imperia and Lorenzo related?
(a) Lorenzo is Bel-Imperia's brother.
(b) Lorenzo is Bel-Imperia's cousin.
(c) Lorenzo is not related to Bel-Imperia.
(d) Lorenzo is Bel-Imperia's brother-in-law.

11. Hieronimo says that he wrote a play when?
(a) When his son was born.
(b) When he got the job as marshal.
(c) When he lost his son.
(d) When he was a student.

12. Who does Lorenzo think gave Hieronimo the note revealing his and Balthazar's guilt?
(a) Pedringano.
(b) Serberine.
(c) Balthazar.
(d) Bel-Imperia.

13. Hieronimo calls to Pedringano, and Lorenzo follows him and tells Pedringano that Bel-Imperia has been hidden by whom?
(a) Castile.
(b) Serberine.
(c) The viceroy.
(d) Lorenzo.

14. Two of the citizens who bring their matters to Hieronimo have issues with what?
(a) Murder.
(b) Property.
(c) Marriage.
(d) Robbery.

15. How does Hieronimo fix the problems of the two citizens that have similar issues to each other?
(a) He tells them to go to the king.
(b) He imprisons the criminals.
(c) He shoots them.
(d) He hands over his gold and several other possessions to them.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Balthazar respond to Bel-Imperia's rejection?

2. What prop does Hieronimo use as he gives is soliloquy at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 13?

3. What does the letter say that Horatio discovers Bel-Imperia left him?

4. After dismissing the first two citizens in Act 3, Scene 13, for whom does Hieronimo mistake the third citizen?

5. In Act 3, Scene 10, of what does a servant reassure Lorenzo and Balthazar?

(see the answer keys)

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