The Spanish Tragedy Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spanish Tragedy Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 3, Scene 13.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Horatio interpret the letter Bel-Imperia left him upon finding it?
(a) As a misunderstanding.
(b) As a forced letter.
(c) As a trap.
(d) As truth.

2. Two of the citizens who bring their matters to Hieronimo have issues with what?
(a) Property.
(b) Marriage.
(c) Murder.
(d) Robbery.

3. What does Lorenzo give to Pedringano to encourage him to help in killing Serberine?
(a) A house.
(b) A bag of gold.
(c) A pardon.
(d) A title.

4. How does Pedringano say he found out about Bel-Imperia and Horatio's relationship?
(a) By overhearing the maids talking about it.
(b) By seeing love letters she sent Horatio.
(c) By the admission of Bel-Imperia.
(d) By spying on them in the garden.

5. Why does Lorenzo plan to kill Serberine?
(a) Because he is tired of having a servant.
(b) Because he is going to take Pedringano as a servant instead.
(c) Because he thinks he wrote a letter revealing his guilt.
(d) Because he reminds Lorenzo of Bel-Imperia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hieronimo calls to Pedringano, and Lorenzo follows him and tells Pedringano that Bel-Imperia has been hidden by whom?

2. What decision do Bel-Imperia and Horatio make as Balthazar and Lorenzo look on?

3. What prop does Hieronimo use as he gives is soliloquy at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 13?

4. How does Pedringano interact with his executioner?

5. As Balthazar and Lorenzo watch, why does Bel-Imperia tell Horatio she is still upset?

(see the answer key)

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