Small Pleasures Test | Final Test - Easy

Clare Chambers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Small Pleasures Test | Final Test - Easy

Clare Chambers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 30, what do the doctors think of Gretchen's story about immaculate conception after all the tests?
(a) They all agree it is untrue.
(b) They are not in agreement about whether it was possible.
(c) Two agree it is true, but three think it is untrue.
(d) They all agree it is true.

2. What does Margaret convince the man in the shop to buy?
(a) A diamond ring.
(b) A ruby bracelet.
(c) An emerald broach.
(d) A ruby pendant.

3. Who does Brenda say were "thick as thieves" at St. Cecilia's?
(a) Kitty and Brenda.
(b) Brenda and Gretchen.
(c) Martha and Kitty.
(d) Gretchen and Martha.

4. In Chapter 19, what makes Gretchen look a lot less like Margaret?
(a) Her glasses.
(b) Her weight gain.
(c) Her long dress.
(d) Her shorter haircut.

5. Who does Martha say Margaret was named for?
(a) Gretchen and Howard.
(b) Martha's aunt.
(c) Martha and Gretchen.
(d) Gretchen's aunt.

6. What is one thing Jean dislikes about Martha?
(a) Her hair.
(b) Her art.
(c) Her accent.
(d) Her dirty living space.

7. In Chapter 31, what does Jean think might happen if Gretchen's story is published?
(a) It will devastate Martha.
(b) It might reflect badly on Jerimiah.
(c) It will result in scandal due to hers and Howard's breakup.
(d) It will devastate Edie.

8. What is Howard's aunt's name?
(a) Riki.
(b) Janet.
(c) Helen.
(d) Edie.

9. In Chapter 31, what does Howard ask Jean to listen for?
(a) Solitude.
(b) Fear.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Anger.

10. In Chapter 16, what does Jean take Margaret to?
(a) A play.
(b) A concert.
(c) A rodeo.
(d) A barbecue.

11. What does Jean wear to meet Howard in Chapter 26?
(a) New twill pants.
(b) A wedding dress.
(c) A claret-colored dress.
(d) An emerald dress.

12. What does Howard tell Jean he feels that having an affair would be?
(a) Justifiable behavior.
(b) Good behavior.
(c) Withering behavior.
(d) Shabby behavior.

13. How old would Jean's baby have been in Chapter 17?
(a) 3.
(b) 10.
(c) 8.
(d) 19.

14. In Chapter 25, what does Howard's letter to Jean say?
(a) He does not send Jean a letter.
(b) It invites her to a wedding.
(c) It invites her to Aunt Edie's.
(d) It invites her to lunch.

15. In Chapter 26, what does Jean write about in "Pam's Piece?"?
(a) The joy of swimming.
(b) The joy of cooking.
(c) The joy of mail.
(d) The joy of sewing.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 26, who does Howard say was taken with Jean?

2. How does Howard say he felt when Gretchen told him she was leaving him?

3. In Chapter 18, what does Jean realize about her feelings for Howard?

4. What does Jean say to Gretchen about Howard's state of mind?

5. What does Jean tell Mrs. Bowland her mother never had much of to begin with?

(see the answer keys)

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