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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Jill and her companions go out into a hallway and find a what?
2. Some of the creatures are slipping where?
3. What does Rilian want to take when they make their escape?
4. The travelers are surprised to find that all of the creatures are _______ after the queen dies.
5. The queen then confronts the prince, ignoring his attempts to accuse her of being a what?
Short Essay Questions
1. In the distance is a great red light that all the creatures seem to be heading toward. What could that mean?
2. Explain how chapter 15 is the end of the main plot, even though it isn't the final chapter.
3. What things are foreshadowed in the chapter?
4. Explain what happens at the start of chapter thirteen.
5. What big event in chapter nine was foreshadowed in previous chapters and how?
6. Do you feel that Jill has changed by chapter fifteen and, if so, in what ways.
7. The title of chapter nine is "They Discover Something Worth Knowing," but the travelers actually discover a few things in the chapter. Explain one of the things the travelers discover.
8. How does the discussion with the knight cause the children to lose faith in Aslan a bit and do you agree with their loss of faith?
9. The knight warns Jill and her companions that he will beg them to let him go free, but if they do he will turn into a serpent and kill them all. What is the significance of that statement by the knight to the children?
10. What is the symbolism behind the falling buildings?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Part 1:
Using at least four detailed examples from the book, explain how Jill's attitude changed and what lessons she learned, as the book progressed.
Part 2:
How do you think Jill would deal with new bullies in the future, if the book continued beyond where it ends?
Essay Topic 2
Choose the character from the following list that you feel is least necessary and explain why. Also, explain how the book would be different if that character was not present. Use at least two examples from the book to back yourself up.
1. Glimfeather
2. Puddleglum
3. Eustace
Essay Topic 3
Choose three objects or characters from the book that you feel are symbolic of a real life concept or thing. Then, using at least two examples from the book and at least two from real life per choice, explain your choices.
This section contains 1,084 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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