The Siege of Krishnapur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Siege of Krishnapur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what date did Mr. Ford warn that signs of an attack were imminent?
(a) September 13th.
(b) September 10th.
(c) September 11th.
(d) September 12th.

2. Why did the Collector sit for a long time contemplating his boots?
(a) They were falling apart and couldn't be worn.
(b) They sorely needed polishing.
(c) They were covered with green mold.
(d) The laces were missing.

3. What color were the flags flying in the cantonment in Chapter 25?
(a) Union Jack.
(b) red..
(c) white.
(d) black.

4. Who took over the Commissariat from Mr. Rayne?
(a) Mr. Rose.
(b) Mr. Schleissner..
(c) Mr. Ford.
(d) Mr. Simmons.

5. Which psalm does the Padre read for the christening of the baby?
(a) the 23rd Psalm.
(b) the 91st Psalm.
(c) the 119th Psalm.
(d) the 116th Psalm.

6. What did Miriam speak of which shocked Louise?
(a) Mr. Hopkin's natural functions.
(b) the possibility of the women being raped during the siege.
(c) the smell of urine.
(d) the boils the women were getting.

7. What did the Collector shout from the window while watching the siege?
(a) Let us have tea on the lawn again!
(b) Long live Britain, long live the Queen!
(c) Charge men, charge the sepoys!
(d) Man the canons, soldiers!

8. What happens to the Collector in Chapter 19?
(a) He and the Padre finally become close friends.
(b) His eye becomes more inflamed and he becomes ill.
(c) He declares his love for Miriam.
(d) He becomes closer to his children.

9. Fleury barters precious belongings in exchange for what for Louise's birthday?
(a) extra flour.
(b) sugar biscuits.
(c) two lumps of sugar.
(d) chapatis.

10. What sensible idea did Harry Dunstaple come up with?
(a) planting the ramparts with foliage to secure them.
(b) getting all able-bodied men to shovel at the ramparts.
(c) sacrifice a black goat to pacify the natives.
(d) firing chain shot.

11. Who brings word that the relieving force has arrived?
(a) Harry.
(b) Ram.
(c) Lieutenant Stapleton.
(d) Fleury.

12. Which of the women does Dr. McNab ask to care for the ailing Collector?
(a) Lucy.
(b) Miriam.
(c) Louise.
(d) the Collector's eldest daughter.

13. Why did the Collector go to the roof of the banqueting hall?
(a) to survey the cantonment.
(b) to get some much needed fresh air.
(c) to have a look at the river.
(d) to be alone with his thoughts.

14. How does Fleury confuse the sepoys?
(a) by pouring water on them.
(b) by twirling his sabre around quickly.
(c) by throwing a blanket over them.
(d) by shouting orders in the vernacular.

15. Where did Fleury and the Collector meet in the late seventies?
(a) Pall Mall.
(b) Barclay Square.
(c) St. James.
(d) Hyde Park.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ladies is the Collector attracted to?

2. What is used to help load the brass cannons?

3. What does the Collector do when he returns to London?

4. How did Dr. McNab treat the Collector's inflamed eye?

5. How much longer does the Collector estimate the food will last?

(see the answer keys)

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