Sharpe's Regiment Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Regiment Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe decide to let his enemies think?
(a) That he has returned to France.
(b) That he has fled to the United States.
(c) That he is dead.
(d) He does not care what his enemies think.

2. Who is presented as slightly confused but enthusiastic about military matters?
(a) The Prince of Orange.
(b) The Duke of Orange.
(c) The Prince of Wales.
(d) The Duke of York.

3. What is the play about that Sharpe and Harper attend?
(a) The battle of Trafalgar.
(b) The battle of Vitoria.
(c) The battle of Brussels.
(d) The battle at Waterloo.

4. Why do Girdwood and Simmerson make such an effort to find escaped recruits?
(a) Because Girdwood and Simmerson are engaged in illegal activities and the recruit might report them.
(b) For practice in tracking.
(c) As an example to other recruits.
(d) They have paid a lot of money for their training and room and board.

5. What has been determined about the second battalion of which Sharpe is a part?
(a) It is not combat effective.
(b) It will receive a unit citation.
(c) It needs to release about 10 percent of its men who have fulfilled their contract.
(d) It needs a rotation home.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one thing the recruiter implies the army has?

2. What does Harper do?

3. What does Girdwood ban from the group hunting Harper?

4. Who is deeply in debt to Lord Fenner?

5. What does Sharpe give Maggie?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the recruits do for the next few days after Sharpe and Harper enlist and where are they taken?

2. What does Lord Fenner suggests should be done about the South Essex's trouble?

3. What happens that makes Sharpe believe he can straighten out the problem with the second battalion?

4. What standard was at the royal gala and what did it have to do with Sharpe? What did the Prince have Sharpe do?

5. Why does Sharpe walk to a poor rookery? What is Sharpe's connection to it?

6. What are a couple of irregularities Sharpe notices about the recruiting Havercamp is doing?

7. What happens when Sharpe asks the Prince about the second battalion?

8. What does Sharpe give Maggie and why?

9. Of what units does the South Essex consist and what is the function of each of those units? What seems to be the problem with one of the units?

10. What does Nairn suggest Sharpe should do and why?

(see the answer keys)

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