Sharpe's Regiment Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Regiment Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe tell Jane?
(a) That her uncle is deeply involved in fraudulent practices.
(b) Why he is enlisted and how he plans to escape.
(c) That Harper is there with Sharpe.
(d) That he wants her to come with him.

2. How does Jane react?
(a) She tells Lynch.
(b) She runs away.
(c) She screams.
(d) She immediately recognizes Sharpe.

3. In what is Sharpe tutored?
(a) How to answer any questions put forth to him.
(b) How to address the Prince Regent.
(c) How to use the different silverware at the state dinner.
(d) How to address the Duke of Orange in French.

4. Who is Patrick Harper?
(a) Colonel Nairn's liaision to the 3rd Regiment.
(b) Sharpe's Sergeant Major.
(c) The Sergeant who dies in Sharpe's arms in the last conflict.
(d) An Irishman who is charged with treason.

5. What does Harper do?
(a) Runs.
(b) Climbs a tree.
(c) Goes to ground in the mud.
(d) Refuses to participate.

6. Who is Jane Gibbons?
(a) A ward of the former commanding officer of the South Essex.
(b) Harper's sister.
(c) Sharpe's sister.
(d) A camp follower.

7. Who serves as a spy for Lord Fenner?
(a) Anne Camoynes.
(b) Sharpe.
(c) Isabelle Harper.
(d) Maggie Joyce.

8. What does one of the men following Sharpe tell him?
(a) The man refuses to talk.
(b) That he was hired by a soldier to kill Sharpe.
(c) That he was hired by Sharpe's ex-wife to kill him.
(d) That he was supposed to just follow Sharpe.

9. Why does Sharpe note about the medical certification of the recruits?
(a) It is very rigorous.
(b) It is not done by a magistrate.
(c) It is not done by the recruiting doctor, but rather by his assistant.
(d) It is very lax.

10. Who are Dick Vaughn and Paddy O'Keefe?
(a) Two highway brigands who try to accost Harper and Sharpe.
(b) Two corporals with the recruiter.
(c) The aliases Sharpe and Harper assume as recruits.
(d) Two men who refuse to sign up at the last moment.

11. Why are Sharpe and Harper visiting small English towns?
(a) Looking for the 2nd battalion recruiters.
(b) So they won't be recognized.
(c) To check their defenses in case Napoleon carries out his threatened invasion.
(d) Trying to recruit for the 1st battalion.

12. What does Sharpe think of the recent battle?
(a) It is strategically insignificant and tactically pointless.
(b) It gives them a great advantage over the French.
(c) Sharpe express no opinion about it.
(d) It was essential to winning the war against Napoleon.

13. Who owns the bar where Sharpe goes?
(a) Maggie Joyce.
(b) Isabell Harper.
(c) Jessica Strong.
(d) Anne Camoynes.

14. What does Sharpe do after leaving the state function?
(a) Start off to find the 2nd battalion.
(b) Go to sleep.
(c) Meet up with Lt. Col. Girdwood.
(d) Have a sexual liaision with a beautiful woman.

15. What is the play about that Sharpe and Harper attend?
(a) The battle of Vitoria.
(b) The battle at Waterloo.
(c) The battle of Trafalgar.
(d) The battle of Brussels.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what are the men on the island initially drilled?

2. What does Jane say she will leave in the boathouse?

3. What is the recruiter like who they encounter?

4. Why do Girdwood and Simmerson make such an effort to find escaped recruits?

5. For how many men is the second battalion drawing rations?

(see the answer keys)

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