Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which country is the town of Abrantes ?
(a) Portugal.
(b) Spain.
(c) France.
(d) Romania.

2. What does Wellesey say people think he is running instead of an army?
(a) A brothel.
(b) A bar.
(c) A hospital.
(d) A hotel.

3. What does the French officer say Sharpe has one hour to do?
(a) Tend to the wounded.
(b) Leave the area.
(c) Call in reinforcements.
(d) Get ready for another battle.

4. Whose footbeats ring on the flagstones at the beginning of Chapter Eleven?
(a) The South Essex Troops.
(b) The French Guards.
(c) The 97th Riflemen.
(d) The Coldstone Guards.

5. In which country did Lawford and Sharpe serve together?
(a) India.
(b) France.
(c) Spain.
(d) West Indies.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who goes with Sharpe and Hogan to help Josefina?

2. What is the name of the French light infantry?

3. Tthe French eagles are mounted on top of what?

4. What are stocks?

5. What does Harper throw to Pendleton?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Simmerson cause problems in Chapter Fourteen?

2. How does Sharpe prove Simmerson wrong in Chapter Three?

3. Why is Hogan worried about Sharpe in this section?

4. How does Sharpe know Lieutenant Colonel William Lawson?

5. What makes Sharpe different from other officers?

6. How does Sharpe meet the young woman in this section?

7. Why does Sharpe think Gibbons must want revenge?

8. What does the reader learn about Harper in this section?

9. Why does Sharpe find it difficult to arrest the deserters?

10. Why does Sharpe resent men like Simmerson?

(see the answer keys)

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