Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Simmerson furious at Sharpe?
(a) He has fulfilled his challenge.
(b) He has allowed the company to destroy their stocks.
(c) He has woken him up from his afternoon nap.
(d) He has ripped his uniform.

2. To what rank does Wellesey promote Sharpe?
(a) Lieutenant.
(b) Captain.
(c) General.
(d) Sergeant.

3. How does the author describe the priest's Spanish?
(a) Awful.
(b) Fluent.
(c) Passable.
(d) Basic.

4. What is the name of the Spanish forces?
(a) The Regimientia de Santa Maria.
(b) The Regimientia de Sevilla.
(c) The Regimientia de Barcelona.
(d) The Regimientia de Madrid.

5. What is the name of Wellesley's temporary headquarters?
(a) Hopper Castle.
(b) Crystal Palace.
(c) Wellington Castle.
(d) Marabel Palace.

6. With what does Sharpe promise Lennox he would replace the regiments lost colors?
(a) A French Eagle.
(b) A French cannon.
(c) A French buffet.
(d) A French flag.

7. What reason does Sharpe give the French officer for crossing the bridge?
(a) They followed the Spanish.
(b) He was ordered to cross it.
(c) They wanted to surprise the French.
(d) He gives no reason.

8. Which of Sharpe's friends dies in Chapter Eight?
(a) Captain Lennox.
(b) Sir Arthur Wellesey
(c) General Hogan.
(d) Sergeant Harper.

9. To whom is Sharpe talking at the beginning of Chapter Eleven?
(a) Forrest.
(b) Gibbons.
(c) Harper.
(d) Josephina.

10. Of what does the author say many will die in the days ahead?
(a) Consumption.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Gangrene.
(d) Syphilis.

11. What does Harper say to start the British charge?
(a) March.
(b) Forward.
(c) Charge.
(d) Victory.

12. In which country was Sir Arthur Wellesey born?
(a) China.
(b) Singapore.
(c) Ireland.
(d) India.

13. Wellesey is wise in the ways of what?
(a) Women.
(b) The commoner.
(c) Spanish culture.
(d) Diplomacy.

14. Why do the Spanish march over the bridge?
(a) Their pride is hurting.
(b) To upset the British.
(c) To meet the French.
(d) They are bored.

15. In which country did Lawford and Sharpe serve together?
(a) France.
(b) Spain.
(c) West Indies.
(d) India.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of his body has one of the deserters lost?

2. Why does Sharpe think he can never have Josephina?

3. What does Harper use to clean out Sharpe's wound?

4. What does Sharpe order his soldiers to use as a target?

5. Why do Gibbons and Berry say they attacked Josephine?

(see the answer keys)

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