Sharp Objects Test | Final Test - Easy

Gillian Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Sharp Objects Test | Final Test - Easy

Gillian Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who buys Camille a drink at the bar in Chapter 11?
(a) Her ex-boyfriend.
(b) An old family friend.
(c) Her high school teacher.
(d) Three guys from her class.

2. What is the nickname that Richard calls Camille?
(a) Beauty Queen.
(b) Wind Gappie.
(c) Scoop.
(d) Newsie.

3. What lie does Amma tell Adora about their evening in Chapter 13?
(a) They got lost in the woods.
(b) They got food poisoning.
(c) They were taken advantage of by some boys.
(d) They were drugged at a bar.

4. Where does Camille meet Richard at the start of Chapter 11?
(a) Ye Ole Tavern.
(b) The Pit Stop.
(c) La Mer.
(d) Sensors.

5. What sort of medicine does Adora make Camille take in Chapter 13?
(a) A cooling salve.
(b) Aspirin.
(c) A blueish milky substance, but she will not tell her what it is.
(d) Pink pills.

6. Who is not welcomed at the party that Amma and Camille go to?
(a) John Keene.
(b) Amma.
(c) Camille.
(d) Meredith Wheeler.

7. Where does Adora take Camille shopping?
(a) Wind Gap.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Flynn.
(d) Woodbury.

8. What does Camille take from the kitchen before going to her room in Chapter 11?
(a) A cold sandwich.
(b) A razor blade.
(c) Amaretto sours.
(d) A bottle of bourbon.

9. When Camille wakes up again in Chapter 13, where does she find Amma?
(a) Passed out on the front porch.
(b) In the woods behind the house.
(c) In her bedroom, sitting in front of her dollhouse.
(d) In Adora's room.

10. What color does Amma say she likes while tripping.
(a) Yellow.
(b) Green.
(c) Blue.
(d) Rainbow.

11. What does Marian say to Camille in her dream?
(a) "Don't trust Amma."
(b) "It was Adora."
(c) "I miss you."
(d) "It's not safe here."

12. Who calls Camille to complain about the article?
(a) Meredith Wheeler.
(b) Jackie O'Neele.
(c) Richard.
(d) Chief Vickery.

13. Who drives Camille home from the girl's night?
(a) Jackie.
(b) Becca.
(c) Angie.
(d) Katie.

14. Who does Amma compare herself to at the dress shop?
(a) Bluebeard's dead wives.
(b) Rapunzel.
(c) Princess Diana.
(d) Cinderella.

15. What does Richard admit in the school house?
(a) He believes that Adora is the killer.
(b) He came here already, he just wanted an excuse to be with Camille.
(c) He has never solved a case before.
(d) He has never kissed a girl before.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Camille meet Amma and her friends in Chapter 12?

2. What time does the restaurant in Chapter 8 start serving alcohol?

3. What does Mrs. Keene call Camille when she finds out she is a reporter?

4. What does Meredith tell Camille about Natalie?

5. What is Camille's most evocative childhood scent?

(see the answer keys)

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