Selected Works Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Selected Works Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who bore a resemblance to wise men, but were not according to Cicero?

2. Who was Hannibal's father?

3. What are goodness and right?

4. How does Cicero characterize robbery?

5. Who helped Antony be elected as augur?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Attack on an Enemy of Freedom, what excuse does Antonius use to justify his attack on Cicero?

2. How does Cicero accelerate the decline of Caesar, according to Antonius?

3. According to Cicero in section five of A Practical Code of Behavior, what should the invisible man do?

4. What proof does Antonius use against Cicero when he tries to connect him to the murder of Caesar?

5. According to Cicero, how does Antonius display his corruption?

6. What would not be blame worthy in the fourth section of A Practical Code of Behavior?

7. What are the three questions Cicero analyzes in the first section of A Practical Code of Behavior?

8. What does Cicero argue men should not do in the third section of A Practical Code of Behavior?

9. To some in section eight of A Practical Code of Behavior, how is it possible to excuse wrongdoing?

10. What does Cicero lament at the start of Attack on an Enemy of Freedom?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Selected Works of Cicero emphasizes Caesar, a dictator of Rome, and his effects on both the government and the populace. In an essay, discuss the significance of Caesar in ancient Rome and determine whether his leadership was positive or negative. Use examples from the book to support your discussion.

Essay Topic 2

Antonius ends Chapter 2 with an exhortation to Antonius to make peace with his country. Examine Antonius' actions and determine how he cannot be trusted based on Cicero's examination of his character. Use examples from the text to support your statements.

Essay Topic 3

Cato the Elder emphasizes death and afterlife, emphasizing how human souls come from heaven and then return to their home. Discuss the belief that humans are only on earth to guard it and reflect on the divine, using Cato's reasoning and that of others. Use examples from the text to support your statements.

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