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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What did Cicero urge the Roman people to consider about the war in Chapter 3?
2. How did Verres make it appear as though he was saving the people in his region from slave revolts?
3. Would the proposal for Pompey to command the Roman forces against Mithridates have gone through without Cicero's speech?
4. Where was Cicero's first speech against Catiline given?
5. Which revolt did Cicero reference in order to prove his case against Verres?
Short Essay Questions
1. What was Cicero's assessment of the war with Mithridates in his speech for Pompey?
2. How did Cicero attack Hortensius at the end of In Verrum I?
3. What corruption was exposed by Cicero about Verres' handling of the naval defense funds?
4. What points did Cicero make about Verres' treatment of Roman citizens in Sicily?
5. How did Cicero describe the conflict with Mithridates to the Romans in Chapter 3?
6. Which other countries did Cicero say had witnessed Pompey's skills, and why did he think that Pompey had authority?
7. How did Cicero describe the corrupt trials that Verres ran in Sicily?
8. How did Verres intend to escape the charges being brought against him?
9. How was Verres' role in the war against the slaves misinterpreted?
10. Why did Cicero think that Pompey had military knowledge and ability?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In Catilinam I was given after Cicero discovered a conspiracy to overtake Rome.
1) Describe three events that inspired Cicero to write and give In Catilinam I.
2) Explain Cicero's strategy for defeating Catiline as it was mentioned in his first speech against him.
3) Analyze why Catiline was not executed before In Catilinam I, Cicero's opinions about the issue, and how he responded to the criticism surrounding it.
Essay Topic 2
Describe in detail the three major accusations that Antonius made against Cicero and how Cicero disproved each of them in Phillipic II. Also, provide examples of how Cicero showed Antonius' corruption in his defense. Why was Phillipic II released to the Romans in written form instead of being given as a speech?
Essay Topic 3
Cicero was exiled for years before being exonerated and returning to the senate to give Pro Marcello.
1) Describe how Caesar changed the republic while Cicero was exiled and Cicero's reaction to the changes when he returned.
2) Explain some of the possible reasons why you think Caesar would have exonerated Cicero and Marcellus.
3) Analyze Cicero's exile, using his own words and descriptions as a reference.
This section contains 822 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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