Second Foundation Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Second Foundation Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Stettin's second order in 13-15?
(a) For Callia to be put in jail.
(b) Granting Homir access to the Mule's palace.
(c) For Arcadia to be returned home.
(d) Give all his money to the population.

2. What is Homir doing when he first sees Arcadia on the ship?
(a) Looking at maps.
(b) Reading a book.
(c) Pointing a blaster at Arcadia.
(d) Shaving in the mirror.

3. Who has been ruling Kalgan since the Mule's death?
(a) A number of Lords.
(b) Channis.
(c) No one.
(d) The Mule's son.

4. At the end of 13-15, why does Arcadia believe that the Lieutenant let her go on purpose?
(a) He was unable to read her papers.
(b) A Lieutenant would never accept a bribe.
(c) He thought she was beautiful.
(d) He knew Momma from his youth.

5. How does Arcadia convince Palver to travel to the Foundation with goods?
(a) Seduces him.
(b) Threatens him with her father's power.
(c) She tells him smugglers would make a lot of money on the trip.
(d) Bribes him with her jewelry.

Short Answer Questions

1. In 13-15, what relationship does Stettin want with Arcadia?

2. What is Stettin's first order in 13-15?

3. What does Dr. Darell decide to do after learning that his daughter is safe?

4. After departing from Callia, what does Arcadia realize as she leaves for the Spaceport?

5. In 16-18, who does Anthor bring to the meeting with Dr. Darell?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is the Imperial Library an important place to Arcadia?

2. What is appealing to Stettin about Arcadia's heritage? What does Stettin want Arcadia to become for him?

3. What is Callia's explanation for why no one is allowed to enter into the Mule's palace? Has Stettin entered the palace according to Callia?

4. What is Dr. Darell thinking about at the beginning of 16-18? Why does he decide to stay in his current course of action?

5. Where does Arcadia hide while about Homir's ship? Why does she decide to come out of her hiding spot?

6. How does Poli know that Arcadia has disappeared in 10-12? What is Dr. Darell's reaction?

7. What two orders does Stettin send out after Callia manipulates him into thinking he has a chance to start an empire?

8. Why does Anthor try to convice Dr. Darell to go to Trantor?

9. Why is Arcadia so excited to meet Lady Callia?

10. How has Kalgan changed since the Mule's death?

(see the answer keys)

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