Sapiens Test | Final Test - Medium

Yuval Noah Harari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sapiens Test | Final Test - Medium

Yuval Noah Harari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By 1450 AD, what percentage of earth's inhabitants lived within a "single mega-world" (167)?
(a) 75 percent.
(b) 30 percent.
(c) 60 percent.
(d) 90 percent.

2. Biological poverty is defined by Harari as what?
(a) A state that occurs when a person has been kept in quarantined conditions for too long.
(b) A state that withholds from a person opportunities that are available to others.
(c) A state that endanger's a person's life due to a lack of food and shelter.
(d) A state that occurs when a person experiences a sudden loss of health.

3. Harari uses a discussion of the coin termed "the millares" (173) to illustrate what principle?
(a) Greed.
(b) Capitalism.
(c) Tolerance.
(d) Diversity.

4. In the year 1500, there were about how many Homo sapiens in the world?
(a) 900 million.
(b) 50 million.
(c) 500 million.
(d) 1 billion.

5. The first coins in history were created around what year?
(a) 1139 BC.
(b) 240 BC.
(c) 120 BC.
(d) 640 BC.

Short Answer Questions

1. Most scholars of culture have concluded that every culture's "typical beliefs, norms, and values" (163) are what?

2. Poverty, wars, illness, old age, and death are all listed by the author as "the fruits of our what" (264) as a species?

3. The total value of goods and services produced by humans in the year 1500 was how much in 2015 money?

4. The measurement called a sila was equivalent to how many gallons?

5. The Australian World comprised which parts of earth in 1450 AD?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Harari say is the key to understanding a particular culture?

2. What does Harari see as the significance of the First Millennium BC?

3. What is Harari's view of how the Cook expedition marked a turning point within European history?

4. How does Harari link the state of the modern economy to his view that quality of life is not guaranteed or predetermined to improve as time passes?

5. What connections does Harari draw among capitalism, modern science, and the emergence of European imperialism?

6. What evidence does Harari provide for his assertion that "the practices of empire-builders were entangled with those of scientists"? (296)

7. What evidence does Harari use to demonstrate the profound effect that empires and their belief systems have had on history, even among those cultures that consider themselves anti-imperialist?

8. For what purpose does Harari include the painting called Franklin's Experiment within the chapter entitled The Discovery of Ignorance?

9. What is the author's view of the existence of an authentic, pure, and untouched culture?

10. After Harari describes the rise of Europe as a locus of power in the world, what caveat does he make?

(see the answer keys)

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