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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Rivera call Tomlinson based on his first impression of Ford's traveling partner?
2. What sound does Ford hear in the distance as he is trying to give medical attention to Zacul?
3. Which of the following symptoms does not affect Zacul as he is fighting against the poisons in his system?
4. Which of the following precious gems erupts from the water when Zacul's boat explodes?
5. What Costa Rican city do Tomlinson and Ford fly into on their first day searching for Jake Hollins?
Short Essay Questions
1. What type of studying does Tomlinson do in preparation for his meeting with Zacul?
2. What sound does Ford hear in the distance while he is inside Zacul's tent?
3. What celebratory meal does Ford prepare for Zacul on his first night in the prison?
4. What is God's Eye Lake?
5. How does Tomlinson prove his dedication to Ford while staying at General Riviera's?
6. How and why does Ford test Tomlinson's honesty while they are traveling through Costa Rica?
7. What do Ford and Tomlinson discuss when they are in the prisoner truck headed to the camp?
8. What relationship does Ford have with Durell?
9. What happens to Tomlinson when he is separated from Ford in Masagua?
10. What condition is Jake Hollins in when Ford finally finds him?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Throughout the novel, Ford juggles romantic relationships with three women: Pilar, Jessica, and Sheri. First, describe Ford's relationship with each of these three women. How did they meet? Then, explain which woman you believe is the best romantic fit for Ford and why.
Essay Topic 2
As a biologist, Ford has an interesting relation with fish. First, explain how Ford treats wildlife when he is out on his boat fishing. What does Ford's relationship with the wild tell the reader about his character? Then, compare Ford's treatment of wild fish to his relationship with domestic fish. What is the same about these relationships? What is different? Is there anything surprising in this comparison?
Essay Topic 3
The affair Ford has with Pilar is one of the turning points in his life. First, describe how Ford and Pilar met. Why was their relationship doomed from the start? Then, explain how the two supported and loved each other throughout the novel, even when they were physically apart. Finally, describe how the relationship between Pilar and Ford ends and why.
This section contains 962 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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