Sanibel Flats Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Randy Wayne White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sanibel Flats Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Randy Wayne White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who put together the package for Ford that is waiting for him at the embassy?

2. How does Masagua President Don Jorge Balserio die?

3. How many executives does the boss man bring with him on the fishing trip in Sanibel?

4. Who was Ford's replacement in Costa Rica when he left his business there?

5. What does Ford eat for dinner the day after Hollins dies?

Short Essay Questions

1. What clues does Ford search for in Tequesta after discovering Hollins's body?

2. Why does Ford get into a fight with an out-of-state salesman?

3. At the opening of the novel, what type of party is sweeping through Sanibel?

4. What is the Kin Qux Cho?

5. Who is Bernstein and how does Ford convince Bernstein to partner with him?

6. What type of relationship does Ford have with Jethro Nicholes?

7. How does Ford react to the partying the doctors are doing on the other side of the water?

8. What deal does Ford make with the old man outside the Presidential Palace?

9. Who is Donal Pio Cheng?

10. How does Dr. Marion Ford emerge from the Presidential Palace at the opening of the novel?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The area called God's Eye Lake is one that is important to the investigation into Jake's disappearance as well as for the terrorists who run rampant in Masagua. First, describe the setting of God's Eye Lake. What makes this place significant in Mayan culture? Then, explain how the setting of the lake functions within the group Zacul leads. How does this place become an important setting in the search for Jake Hollins?

Essay Topic 2

At the opening of the novel, Ford is speeding away through an underground tunnel from the Presidential Palace in Masagua. First, explain what Ford was doing in the Presidential Palace to begin with. Then, explain how Ford used his cunning and wit to escape, undetected from danger. Finally, explain how these events, which take place in the prologue, spin the action of the entire novel into motion.

Essay Topic 3

When Jake Hollins is kidnapped his parents react very differently to the terrible news. First, describe Rafe Hollins's reaction to the news that his son is missing. Then, compare that to Helen Hollins' reaction. How do both of the parents treat Ford during his investigation into their son's disappearance? Based on these reactions, do you think Jake Hollins has any hope of living in a happy family upon his return?

(see the answer keys)

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