Running Scared: The Life and Treacherous Times of Las Vegas Casino King Steve Wynn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John L. Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Running Scared: The Life and Treacherous Times of Las Vegas Casino King Steve Wynn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John L. Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Running Scared: The Life and Treacherous Times of Las Vegas Casino King Steve Wynn Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Due to an indictment of an associate, Wynn was unable to buy a piece of real estate before it was sold to famous recluse ____________________.
(a) Howard Hughes.
(b) Frank Sinatra.
(c) Greta Garbo.
(d) Elvis Presley.

2. What was the cost of the hotel's destruction?
(a) $5 million.
(b) $7.5 million.
(c) $1.5 million.
(d) $3 million.

3. What was the name of the infomercial which would include footage of the hotel's destruction?
(a) Lights Out, Farewell to an Icon.
(b) Steve Wynn, the Brightest Light in Las Vegas.
(c) Treasure Island, the Adventure Begins.
(d) Diamonds on Black Velvet, the Las Vegas Story.

4. Wynn wanted to move Las Vegas away from its mob image to a ________________ image.
(a) Family fun.
(b) Banking.
(c) Convention.
(d) Celebrity.

5. Who was the president of the Teamsters in 1964?
(a) Sam Phillips.
(b) Jimmy Hoffa.
(c) Henry Kissinger.
(d) Lyndon Johnson.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Mafia boss Anthony Salerno's nickname?

2. Wynn's first purchase into a Las Vegas hotel was a three percent share in __________________.

3. Who was the prostitute who claimed that she saw Wynn using cocaine at parties?

4. How much did Wynn spend in fireworks to cap off the hotel implosion?

5. What is one thing that Wynn is unable to control?

Short Essay Questions

1. What work did Wynn do for Cassandra Limited promoter-director Matt Gregory and what was the speculation about Wynn's income vs. the salary he received?

2. How did Wynn try to protect Cappiello in spite of Capiello's murder of Joseph Conlan?

3. Describe Steve Wynn's charmed childhood.

4. What was Las Vegas like when Wynn started going there in the 1950s?

5. What had the Dunes signified in Las Vegas?

6. Why did Steve Wynn have footage of the Dunes destruction filmed?

7. With what disease was Wynn diagnosed and what impact did it have on his personality and business?

8. Who were Louis Cappiello and Camilo Azzinaro, what was unusual about their influential positions and what was the speculation about their true functions in Wynn's enterprises?

9. What were the circumstances of Mike Wynn's untimely death?

10. When was the Dunes Hotel and Casino and Las Vegas destroyed?

(see the answer keys)

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