Remainder Test | Final Test - Medium

Tom McCarthy
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Remainder Test | Final Test - Medium

Tom McCarthy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who helps coordinate some of the timings for the narrator and his interactions with people in his apartment building?
(a) The motorbike person.
(b) The people watching the cats.
(c) The painters.
(d) The pianist.

2. What happens to the narrator after the people at the car repair shop replace his car's fluid?
(a) His car catches on fire.
(b) It leaks out of the vents and dashboard onto him.
(c) His car will not start.
(d) He gets out of the car and beats them.

3. Who is the special effects person Frank brings in to work on the second reenactment?
(a) Jennifer.
(b) Henry.
(c) James.
(d) Sid.

4. What food does the narrator ask Naz to order for both of them one night soon before the apartment project is finished?
(a) Tacos.
(b) Pizza.
(c) Artichokes.
(d) Beans.

5. What does the narrator tell Naz to do to solve the problem of the cats?
(a) Project images of cats on the roof.
(b) Just do away with the cats altogether.
(c) Keep buying more.
(d) Put cat statues up on the roof.

Short Answer Questions

1. What schedule does the narrator ask for his reenactors in his second reenactment to be on?

2. What does Annie say the workers must do to make the patch on the floor near the old woman's apartment look old again?

3. What happens to the narrator's hands after he plays the role of the homicide victim the first time?

4. Why does Annie tell the narrator that the natural element in his apartment reenactment is different?

5. What does the narrator want to happen with the old woman cooking the liver in Part III?

Short Essay Questions

1. In general, what does the narrator feel is a difficulty in getting the apartment building the way he wants it?

2. What is wrong with the plants the Portuguese plant specialist brings with her to the new building?

3. In Part IV, what kind of reenactment does the narrator ask for that is a departure from the other ones he has asked ror?

4. What does the narrator do with Roger's models of the various scenes that interest him?

5. What is one unanticipated problem with cooking the liver in Chapter 9?

6. In Part III, what particular aspect of his own new apartment do the workers have trouble getting right?

7. What role does the narrator take in the homicide reenactment, and how does the reenactment make him feel?

8. What happens to the narrator in the days immediately following his homicide reenactment?

9. What sensation does the narrator experience when he is very happy with the reenactments?

10. What does the narrator request of the woman in the lobby, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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