Remainder Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom McCarthy
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Remainder Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom McCarthy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many kinds of photographs does the narrator discover forensic investigators take?
(a) 12.
(b) 8.
(c) 6.
(d) 4.

2. How much does the narrator pay for fixing his car?
(a) 400 pounds.
(b) 50 pounds.
(c) 1,000 pounds.
(d) 10 pounds.

3. What becomes a problem in the building after a few days?
(a) Congealed fat.
(b) Too many bees making nests.
(c) Too many cold drafts.
(d) The lack of goodwill from the neighbors.

4. How does the narrator describe his opinion of forensic procedure?
(a) As a science.
(b) As something he could do in his sleep.
(c) As a waste of time.
(d) As an art form.

5. Why does Annie think the liver smells strange to the narrator?
(a) The seasonings might be affecting the smell.
(b) The pan is so new.
(c) The narrator's sense of smell might be affected by the accident.
(d) The liver might be off.

6. What does the doctor say the narrator is feeling the effects of in his brain in Chapter 13?
(a) Sugar.
(b) The antidepressants.
(c) Caffeine.
(d) Chemicals that act like opioids.

7. Who finds the police mole for Naz and the narrator?
(a) A borough councillor.
(b) A prop master.
(c) An artist.
(d) An old friend.

8. What is one physical maneuver that the narrator works hard on to get right in his apartment?
(a) Brushing past his kitchen counter.
(b) Locking his door.
(c) Opening his window.
(d) Putting his kettle on the stove.

9. Early in Part III, what word does the narrator hear from Younger that he asks Naz to look up the definition of for him?
(a) Anachronistic.
(b) Hedonistic.
(c) Speculation.
(d) Hefty.

10. Why is the young boy in the building in Chapter 8?
(a) For a piano lesson.
(b) To see a friend.
(c) To see his father.
(d) For a painting lesson.

11. What happens to the narrator after the people at the car repair shop replace his car's fluid?
(a) It leaks out of the vents and dashboard onto him.
(b) He gets out of the car and beats them.
(c) His car will not start.
(d) His car catches on fire.

12. What happens to the narrator's hands after he plays the role of the homicide victim the first time?
(a) They get very warm.
(b) They get cut.
(c) They get sprained.
(d) They turn numb.

13. What do the killers use in the third shooting in Brixton in Chapter 13?
(a) A car.
(b) A motorbike.
(c) A scooter.
(d) A bicycle.

14. How does the narrator feel watching the person fixing his car?
(a) Angry.
(b) Transfixed.
(c) Sad.
(d) Suspicious.

15. What does the narrator ask the concierge to do differently in Chapter 13?
(a) Do everything softer.
(b) Do everything faster.
(c) Do everything louder.
(d) Do everything slower.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say to the young boy who crosses his path on the first day in the apartment project?

2. What does the man who is killed in Coldharbour Lane symbolize to the narrator?

3. What do both the narrator and Naz say they always used to like?

4. Who does the narrator see talking to the man in the courtyard in Part III?

5. What schedule does the narrator ask for his reenactors in his second reenactment to be on?

(see the answer keys)

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