Red Sparrow Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Matthews
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Sparrow Test | Final Test - Medium

Jason Matthews
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What recipe concludes Chapter 24?
(a) "Sophie's Vinaigrette."
(b) "Gable's Proper French Omelet."
(c) "Gable's Cheese Fondue."
(d) "Caviar Torte."

2. Where are the closed sessions of the SSCI to discuss "intelligence matters" held in Chapter 29?
(a) The Hart Senate Office Building.
(b) The White River Office Building.
(c) The Offices of the United Nations.
(d) The Homer Valley Center.

3. At what bed and breakfast do Nate and Benford stay while investigating the Electric Boat Shipyard?
(a) The White Roof Inn.
(b) The Gable Bed and Breakfast.
(c) The Queen Elizabeth Inn.
(d) The White Horse Tavern.

4. Whose lab does MARBLE visit in Chapter 34?
(a) Forsyth's lab.
(b) Nasarenko's lab.
(c) Boucher's lab.
(d) Yelenova's lab.

5. In a particular SDR from Chapter 33, Golov makes it appear that what location is his destination?
(a) Mt. Vernon.
(b) Mt. Vesuvius.
(c) Mt. Lawrence.
(d) Mt. Shasta.

Short Answer Questions

1. What country is connected to Russia by way of the bridge in the photos presented by Benford in Chapter 40?

2. Where is the Electric Boat Shipyard located?

3. What recipe concludes Chapter 20?

4. What term used in literature does the narrator use in Chapter 29 to mean something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading?

5. Where has Volontov instructed Dominika to place the manual he pays for from Bullard?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is SWAN and why is this character important?

2. What is the plan for Korchnoi's retirement?

3. What is a canary trap?

4. What led to Korchoi's decision to become a double agent?

5. What happens as a result of the FBI's actions in Chapter 20?

6. How is Jennifer Santini described? How does she die?

7. Who is Stephanie Boucher? What is her position? What are her motivations?

8. What information does the reader learn from Egorov's meeting with Putin in Chapter 26?

9. What are the details of the canary trap enacted by Egorov?

10. What information is Dominika instructed to pass to Egorov in Chapter 37?

(see the answer keys)

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