The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Against all advice, which way does the priest head after leaving the village?
(a) Toward Vera Cruz where he hopes to catch a ship.
(b) Straight for Concepcion.
(c) Back the way he came because he heard thepolice have come and gone.
(d) The priest heads south, away from the safety of the north, following the police.

2. For what is the church in town being used?
(a) It has been turned into a hospital.
(b) It is used to stable horses.
(c) It has been made into a hotel.
(d) It is now the treasury building.

3. What is Greene's contrast between the two priests in the story?
(a) One refuses his responsibility but the other tries to run away from responsibility.
(b) Both men are sinners and cannot be considered good priests, yet they choose very different paths.
(c) The only difference is that one of them is married.
(d) One is a whisky priest and the other is not.

4. What does the priest hope to find in Carmen?
(a) He needs some of the clothes he left behind.
(b) He needs to find old family members who will help him.
(c) He needs a replacement Bible for the one he left in Mr. Trench's house.
(d) He needs wine so he can say mass.

5. What is the Police Chief's concern?
(a) The Governor is still waiting for the paperwork that should have already been finished.
(b) He is a religious man and does not like the new laws.
(c) The lieutenant is not serious about finding the runaway priest.
(d) The Governor has been on his case because they suspect a priest is on the run in their state.

Short Answer Questions

1. What new plan does the lieutenant come up with for finding the priest?

2. What is the lieutenant's ambition?

3. On his morning walk, what does Mr. Trench hear?

4. What does Captain Fellows tell the policeman that satisfies him?

5. Why is the lieutenant eager to hunt down the priest?

Short Essay Questions

1. As the lieutenant walks through the town, what indicates that he is the main antagonist in the novel?

2. Who comes knocking at the door and what does he want?

3. What is the conversation like inside Mr. Trench's house?

4. The mother who reads religious stories to her children is important in the story. How does Greene use this family to punctuate the fact that the common people want the Church returned?

5. How do Mr. Trench and the priest meet?

6. What feeling does Greene evoke with the introduction of the mestizo?

7. After the priest gets his bottle of wine, what happens to it?

8. Describe the scene in the town as Mr. Trench walks through it.

9. Coral Fellows presents a reaction to the lieutenant. Describe the conversation with her father.

10. How does Captain Fellows present ambivalent feelings about the priest?

(see the answer keys)

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