Plan of Attack Test | Final Test - Medium

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plan of Attack Test | Final Test - Medium

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bush summons _________ on January 13, without Cheney or Rice hovering and compliments him on his hard work.
(a) Donald Rumsfeld
(b) Richard Armitage
(c) Colin Powell
(d) Michael Gerson

2. ____________ flow in too fast to evaluate and to transmit, but Saul demands ever more verification and more detail.
(a) Insurgents
(b) Photos
(c) Spies
(d) Reports

3. Chirac did an interview with _____________ calling for 30 days more of inspections.
(a) Crossfire
(b) Hardball
(c) 60 Minutes
(d) Frontline

4. _________ wants to begin raising money in February through April , but Bush flatly refuses.
(a) Laura Bush
(b) Dick Cheney
(c) Karl Rove
(d) Scooter Libby

5. The Hybrid Plan of attack condenses 16 days of bombing into just nine hours of ____________, after ground troops enter
(a) Raids
(b) Shock and awe
(c) Ground fighting
(d) Air strikes

Short Answer Questions

1. Tim's team is at ____________ on the mountaintop, both Tim and the team are feeling a bit stranded.

2. Bush informs them he will give Saddam and his sons _____________ to get out of the country.

3. The __________ do not appear to genuinely accept disarmament, but they are cooperating with Blix.

4. When Powell reports that ___________ will not budge, Bush decides that Op. Plan 1003 should be ready to go in a few hours.

5. After Christmas with an aunt, _________ joins the Bushes in Crawford where after New Year's he talks about Saddam outsmarting Blix.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bush tell Powell when he meets with him on January 13 without Rice or Cheney hovering over them?

2. What does Rice say she cannot predict when it comes to war with Iraq?

3. What does Bush do in order to bolster the humanitarian reputation of the United States?

4. What must happen the government once Saddam is ousted from power, according to Miller's briefing to the NSC?

5. What does Blix do in order to keep the Iraq inspections non-confrontational?

6. What does Rice worry about the role of Britain in the war after Blair wants Gerson's draft to be revised?

7. What does Bush tell Rice when she visits him in Crawford after Christmas with her aunt?

8. What is the information Tim receives about Dora Farm that suggests a family gathering?

9. After months of work, what does Saul find that will help to inform the US military?

10. While Saul demands ever more detail and verification for reports, what is happening with the reports?

(see the answer keys)

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