Plan of Attack Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plan of Attack Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bob Woodward
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ground commanders will know their foes better than they know themselves by accessing the secure ______________.
(a) SIGNIT files
(b) SAT phones
(c) Zircon Chat
(d) Internet connection

2. Bush recalled to Woodward that he had been sure that the Iraqis longed for _____________ and would seize the moment.
(a) Help
(b) Stability
(c) Peace
(d) Freedom

3. There is consensus that ___________ will be needed to stabilize a post-Saddam Iraq, war or no war.
(a) UN troops
(b) UN resolutions
(c) Worldwide involvement
(d) US forces

4. Using stoplight graphics that Bush enjoys, Franks charts ________ of when month-by-month events can and should proceed.
(a) Deadlines
(b) Timings
(c) Goalposts
(d) Expectations

5. ______________ and China have commercial ties with Iraq and are on record opposing the US efforts to oust Saddam.
(a) North Korea
(b) Japan
(c) Spain
(d) Russia

6. Powell is beginning to show his anger at always being below ____________ in the pecking order.
(a) President Bush
(b) Dick Cheney
(c) Donald Rumsfeld
(d) Richard Armitage

7. Franks assures George W. Bush that the plan is being tested by ____________ and takes the hint to get things moving.
(a) The JCS
(b) War games
(c) A staff of college students
(d) CIA operatives

8. The Marines worry about the effect of WMD use on Iraqi citizens and the uncertainty of ___________ warfare .
(a) Unprovoked
(b) Hand to hand
(c) Urban
(d) Nuclear

9. The CIA has identified three major threats to security at the time of Bush's beginnings in office. What is NOT one of these threats?
(a) Proliferation of WMD
(b) North Korean nuclear weapon usage
(c) Rise of the Chinese military
(d) Al Qaeda network

10. Who is the cheery 74-year-old UN weapons inspector who is brought into Iraq to check for WMD?
(a) Mohamed ElBaradei
(b) Hans Blix
(c) George H. W. Bush
(d) Colin Powell

11. The day after Powell's dinner with Bush, Franks orders the fast option, _____________, put in place.
(a) Hybrid
(b) Shock and Awe
(c) Now or Never
(d) Enduring Iraqi Freedom

12. The name of the National Security Presidential Direction was Iraq: Goals, Objectives, and ______________."
(a) Charity
(b) Strategy
(c) Recovery
(d) Wartime

13. Already burdened with Afghanistan operations, Franks and ___________ comply with Rumsfeld's orders.
(a) Colin Powell
(b) Dick Cheney
(c) Major General Renuart
(d) George Bush

14. Rice explains how ____________ can serve as a model for nuclear disarmament.
(a) North Korea
(b) The United States
(c) South Africa
(d) Zimbabwe

15. Clinton officials brief the incoming Bush staff on enforcing ___________ zones in Iraq.
(a) Civilian
(b) Peace
(c) No bombing
(d) No fly

Short Answer Questions

1. ____________ pushes Powell through regular private meetings to begin to build with Bush a relationship like the one Bush and Rumsfeld share.

2. Michael Hayden still downplays the WMD in Iraq as _______________.

3. Franks briefs the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose turf wars in ___________ he has criticized.

4. The ____________ worries about short munitions and the effect on efforts in Afghanistan.

5. On the heels of Bush's invasion of __________, word of war planning in Iraq will ignite a firestorm.

(see the answer keys)

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