Pictures of Hollis Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pictures of Hollis Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color is the sweater that Hollis hides with the fishing pole?
(a) Blue.
(b) Red.
(c) Tan.
(d) Green.

2. What does Hollis want to announce from the top of the mountain?
(a) That she is in love.
(b) That she wants to know her biological mother.
(c) That she is happy to be alive.
(d) That there is a new Hollis.

3. What does Hollis pick to use for Christmas decorations?
(a) Boxwood.
(b) Holly.
(c) Branches.
(d) Evergreens.

4. What does Hollis decide to give to Josie as a Christmas gift?
(a) A drawing of Beatrice and Josie.
(b) Wood for her statues.
(c) A DVD of "A Christmas Carol".
(d) A carving knife.

5. Who does Hollis meet as she is walking to town to call Beatrice?
(a) Izzy.
(b) Steven.
(c) Beatrice.
(d) Emmy.

6. Hollis dresses really warm and goes outside to _________________.
(a) shovel the walk.
(b) build a snowman.
(c) fish.
(d) string Christmas lights.

7. What does Mr. Regan beg Hollis to do?
(a) Get a good education.
(b) Take art classes.
(c) Return to the family.
(d) Take care of her teeth.

8. In Chapter 14, Hollis says that the Christmas decorations are _______________________.
(a) not as much as she had wanted.
(b) just fine for no more time than they had to make them.
(c) not great but they'll have to do.
(d) more beautiful than anything Hollis has seen.

9. How long will Hollis and Josie be able to stay in the Summer house?
(a) Just Summer and Fall.
(b) Just for Autumn and Winter.
(c) Just the Winter and Spring.
(d) Just for the Winter.

10. Who tells Hollis to calm down in her mind?
(a) The Old Man.
(b) Beatrice.
(c) Steven.
(d) Izzy.

11. Why does Josie want to go back home?
(a) She wants to work on her wood figures.
(b) She misses Beatrice.
(c) She wants to celebrate Christmas there.
(d) She misses her exercise classes.

12. Hollis wonders if trying to fit her into a family was like trying to _____________________.
(a) stop a thunderstorm.
(b) get toothpaste back into the tube.
(c) fit a stepsister's foot into the glass slipper.
(d) jam a puzzle piece that didn't match.

13. What does Hollis do when she sees Steven's head against the wheel of the truck after the crash?
(a) She screams and faints.
(b) She pulls him out of the truck.
(c) She runs down the mountain to get help.
(d) She does CPR on him.

14. What does Steven ask Hollis if she will do with him next Summer?
(a) Go fishing with him.
(b) Teach him to water ski.
(c) Climb the mountain.
(d) Fix the old truck.

15. Who is hugging Hollis in her drawing, End of Summer?
(a) Josie.
(b) Steven.
(c) The Old Man.
(d) The Mustard Woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hollis think about the Regans one morning?

2. Which of these factors is NOT something Hollis worries about for the trip with Josie?

3. What name does Steven call Holly which makes the Old Man mad?

4. Where does Josie want to go on Christmas?

5. Hollis goes to Steven's room to look at the picture he took of Hollis _____________________.

(see the answer keys)

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