Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Perry tell Nyle?
(a) That he knows about the evacuees at the house.
(b) That she is the valdictorian of the class.
(c) That she is eligible for a full scholarship to college.
(d) That she can get into the new A & M college because of her grades.

2. Why does Ezra go back to his room?
(a) Ezra is still afraid of the puppy.
(b) Nyle teases him to hard.
(c) Nyle has to help Gran with the sheep.
(d) Ezra is tired from his foray into the kitchen.

3. What do Gran, Miriam, Ezra and Nyle decide to do?
(a) Play monopoly.
(b) Attend a concert at the school.
(c) Go to the movies.
(d) Go out to eat.

4. What does Nyle wish about her book collection?
(a) That it was more intellectual.
(b) That she had all the Harry Potter books.
(c) That it had as many volumes as Muncie's collection has.
(d) That it had more adventure and less romance novels.

5. What becomes easier for Ezra?
(a) Visiting Nyle's room.
(b) Looking out the window.
(c) Walking outside.
(d) Eating in the dining room.

6. What does Gran say to Nyle asking about the Trents staying on indefinitely?
(a) That they cannot stay because of the stigma.
(b) That they must start fresh somewhere else.
(c) That they have already asked permission to do so.
(d) That they are moving back to California.

7. After Ezra leaves the kitchen, what does Nyle do?
(a) Reads his paper.
(b) Cries.
(c) Goes to feed Shep.
(d) Goes to check on the sheep.

8. As Nyle is taking wood into her house, what does she spy?
(a) The puppy chasing a cat.
(b) A robin on the chimney.
(c) Someone in the driveway.
(d) A sheep that must have gotten out of the pasture.

9. What do Nyle and Ezra do every night?
(a) Card wool.
(b) Their homework together at the kitchen table.
(c) Yoga to strengthen Nyle's body.
(d) Train Shep.

10. What do the teens teach the puppy?
(a) Nothing; it's too young to teach.
(b) To be housebroken.
(c) To eat in one place.
(d) Tricks.

11. What is Nyle's fear about Gran and the Trents?
(a) That Gran will return home alone.
(b) That the Trents will decide to stay in the larger city.
(c) That they could have an accident in the snow.
(d) That the government will not help.

12. What does Ezra keep with him though he no longer needs it?
(a) His mask.
(b) An inhaler.
(c) A small detector.
(d) A cane.

13. What does Nyle think the kids believe about her and Ezra?
(a) That Ezra is her brother who has been living with her dad.
(b) That they are cousins.
(c) That they are going together.
(d) That Ezra is new to the area.

14. Why does Ezra start writing?
(a) He's going to do the assignment also.
(b) He wants to finish an English assignment.
(c) He is writing a poem for a girl at school.
(d) He is working on a memoir about the accident.

15. What do they name the puppy?
(a) Jasper.
(b) Eli.
(c) Shep.
(d) Barney.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Nyle lunge towards Ripley?

2. Why does Nyle move off the Powers' property?

3. What happens when Muncie, Nyle and Ezra get to the house?

4. What does Ezra ask about the puppy?

5. What do Ezra and Nyle feel as they walk back to the house?

(see the answer keys)

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