Phantastes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phantastes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Anodos lose hope of finding as he travels in the hole?
(a) A way home.
(b) The white lady.
(c) A way to rid himself of the shadow.
(d) A way out of the hole.

2. How does Anodos acquire the instrument from one of the dancers In the crimson hall as Anodos sings to make the white lady appear?
(a) Anodos takes the instrument from a dancer who has turned into a statue.
(b) The dancer silently offers the instrument to Anodos.
(c) Anodos roughly seizes the instrument from the dancer as he dances by Anodos.
(d) The dancer drops the instrument on the floor at Anodos' feet.

3. What happens to the two brothers in the battle with the three giants?
(a) The two brothers are killed.
(b) The two brothers hide in the tower.
(c) The two brothers slay their giants, then help Anodos slay his giant.
(d) The two brothers run to the town for help.

4. What happens to the white lady after Anodos finishes singing and the white lady wavers between her life form and her stone form?
(a) The white lady's image shatters into tiny pieces.
(b) The white lady vanishes completely.
(c) The white lady turns to stone.
(d) The white lady becomes fully alive.

5. What does Anodos serve as to the knight in rusty armor as Anodos continues his new journey through the forest?
(a) Lord.
(b) A knight of equal rank.
(c) Squire.
(d) Jousting opponent.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is unusual about the appearance of the knight in shining armor Anodos meets as he thinks about himself as a knight like Sir Galahad?

2. What does Anodos learn when he passes through the door to the present time in the cottage on the island?

3. Besides the lost love of a woman, what else does Anodos sing about to the two brothers?

4. In what other place did Anodos have the same feeling he has in the crimson hall?

5. After the girl who used to have the crystal globe leaves the tower and Anodos starts off on a new journey through the forest, what happens to the shadow?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Anodos demonstrate immaturity when he touches the white lady on her pedestal?

2. As the knight's squire, what does Anodos feel he must do for the knight when they observe the procession of the men in the white robes?

3. After Anodos imagines himself reborn in various forms, why does he believe he needs to stay alive?

4. What causes Anodos and the two brothers to be unprepared for battle when the three giants approach the tower?

5. Compare Anodos' experiences in Fairy Land with the experiences of Cosmo, a character in one of his stories.

6. Explain how the Maiden of the Alder appeared to be the same being as the white lady.

7. How does Anodos show maturity when he and the two brothers prepare to battle the three giants?

8. What desire of Anodos does the knight who leads him to the tower represent?

9. What is Anodos learning that he needs to do to acquire what he wants in Fairy Land?

10. When Anodos floats in the boat after he has thrown himself off the cliff into the water, what do the images he sees in the water show him?

(see the answer keys)

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