Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Grant noted that when the ladies learned the truth about the condition of the Confederate Army and that the Union had the upper hand, they began to cry. Besides being upset, why did they cry?
(a) The women did not believe Grant.
(b) The women learned the fate of their loved ones.
(c) The women did not want to be reminded of the Confederate's possible defeat.
(d) It was typical in those days to share misinformation, whether by design to keep Confederate loyalties intact or to promote morale.

2. In Chapter 54, Grant said the troops traveling in _________________ were faced with a different kind of country than they'd typically encountered across the south. The roads were in better condition and there was hardly ever a person seen other than those armed with Confederate sympathies.
(a) Tennessee.
(b) North Carolina.
(c) Virginia.
(d) Georgia.

3. In Chapter 63, it became evident that the war was nearing an end. The peace commissioners from the Confederacy arrived in _____________ to meet with Lincoln.
(a) May.
(b) November.
(c) January.
(d) July.

4. In Chapter 53, Grant recommended _____________ of his officers for promotion.
(a) Several.
(b) None.
(c) One.
(d) Very few.

5. A change in what alerted Grant that there was likely to be a change in tactics, a fact that was soon proven true?
(a) Confederate capitals.
(b) Union commanders.
(c) Confederate Presidents.
(d) Confederate commanders.

Short Answer Questions

1. Grant communicated with Lee after a particular stage of the battle, asking that there be a temporary truce. Why?

2. How was Grant dressed at the end of the war?

3. Grant described the complicated maneuvering it took to establish a siege of ______________.

4. Grant had another meeting with Lincoln and when Grant outlined his plan and reason for advancing, Lincoln said that he understood and compared it to a saying he'd heard, "If a man can't skin he must hold ___________ while somebody else does".

5. The march began with a supply of _________ days' rations, a supply of ammunition and a herd of cattle being driven along with the army.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Grant note about both the battle at Cold Harbor and Vicksburg? Why does he say this?

2. How important was slavery to the turmoil and eventual war between the states, according to Grant.

3. General Burnside found himself in distress for rations. How did loyalists help him and his men?

4. At the surrender of the Confederates, the Union men were energized. Why? Should they have been?

5. Why, in Chapter Fifty-Nine, does Grant step back in time to Sherman's march to the sea?

6. How were trenches important in the Battle of the Wilderness? How were they also imperfect?

7. What significant event happened soon after Grant was promoted to Lieutenant General of the Union Army? How was this significant?

8. What was most devastating about the Battle of the Wilderness?

9. When Lee's troops were discovered, what was learned about Lee and his men?

10. One day, Grant and other officers were within shooting range of Confederate soldiers. Did the soldiers shoot at them? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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