Padre Pio: The True Story Test | Final Test - Medium

C. Bernard Ruffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Padre Pio: The True Story Test | Final Test - Medium

C. Bernard Ruffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 1923 why did the Holy Office say Padre Pio should not be a saint?
(a) Because he suffered from mental illness.
(b) Because they couldn't confirm his supernatural character.
(c) Because he was too controversal.
(d) Because they had healed his stigmata.

2. In Chapter 27, what varied about Padre Pio according to who was witnessing him?
(a) His height.
(b) His smell.
(c) His glow.
(d) His voice.

3. When Padre Pio's friends could not meet with him in Chapter 20, what did they do?
(a) Went home.
(b) Wrote letters.
(c) Sang songs.
(d) Broke into his room.

4. In Chapter 19, why did Padre Pio feel like he had more time to work with his spiritual children?
(a) Because he had his own church to meet with them.
(b) Because he was apart from his family.
(c) Because he wasn't preaching.
(d) Because he had a smaller amount of spiritual children.

5. In Chapter 20, what did the author say made Padre Pio's life in Rome a little easier?
(a) Gagliardi loses his job.
(b) Andrea Cesarano offers support to Padre Pio.
(c) The pope writes a statement in his favor.
(d) They make a holiday to honor him.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 18, what did Padre Pio decide to build?

2. When Pope Pius XI took over, what was his major concern?

3. How did Padre Pio supposedly convert Dr. Ricciardi to Christianity?

4. How did Bill Carrigan describe Padre Pio after meeting him?

5. How did Padre Pio feel about the lines of people who wanted to confess to him in Chapter 26?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 27, how did the author describe Padre Pio's miracles?

2. How did Maria Pyle become associated with Padre Pio?

3. How did Padre Pio feel about World War II?

4. In Chapter 24, what did the author attribute to Padre Pio regarding Italian history?

5. In Chapter 13, what background information did the author provide about Padre Pio's stigmata?

6. In Chapter 26, what was Padre Pio's daily schedule?

7. In Chapter 25, what changed most in Padre Pio's life?

8. In Chapter 25, what problems arose surrounding the hospital?

9. What evidence did the author provide to prove that Padre Pio's palms bled for years?

10. How did Padre Pio feel about people coming to visit him in Chapter 21?

(see the answer keys)

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