Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pacific Vortex Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who or what is Mad Chopper?
(a) LT Buckmaster's team.
(b) Dirk's helo crew standing by.
(c) Crowhaven's plan B.
(d) ADM Hunter when he's angry.

2. What does Dirk do for Al's injured hand?
(a) Nothing.
(b) He wraps it in seaweed.
(c) He gives him his swim trunks as a bandage.
(d) He uses a scrap of Summer's dress to make a tourniquet.

3. Why does Delphi let SN Farris live?
(a) He wants to lure the Navy back with the hopes of a survivor.
(b) He hopes Farris would train his men to work the submarine.
(c) He enjoys torturing the man.
(d) Farris offers to help Delphi.

4. Who does Dirk go in search of before taking off in the helicopter?
(a) LCDR Boland.
(b) The helmsman.
(c) More of "Them" to kill.
(d) SN Farris.

5. Who arrives on the comm deck as Dirk is communicating to the Martha Ann and LCDR Boland?
(a) Them.
(b) LT March.
(c) CDR Dupree.
(d) SN Farris.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does SN Farris react to the battle raging around him on the Martha Ann?

2. What is the size of the school of fish the Martha Ann's sensors detect as they prepare to escape the Pacific Vortex area?

3. What is Boland's reaction to the news that March is dead?

4. Why doesn't Pearl Harbor know what has been happening with the Martha Ann and the finding of the Starbuck intact?

5. What does Dirk omit from his report on the fight against Them in his hotel room?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Delphi say is his main objective? What does Dirk say is Delphi's main objective?

2. How is the scent of the eucalyptus oil explained? How does it support the theory of the seamount?

3. Why does Dirk flood the Starbuck's torpedo compartment?

4. It is evident that Seaman First Class Farris could never have been any help to Delphi's cause or mission, however, Delphi keeps him alive, in spite of admitting to Dirk that Farris is "a minor miscalculation." What might be some reasons for this?

5. What are the two most important words in the English language according to Dirk? How do they serve Dirk in the battle with the men from the sea in his hotel room?

6. How does LCDR Crowhaven's attitude change from his frame of mind on the plane, once he is within sight of the submarine and Dirk lets him know that this is where he [Dirk] gets off?

7. Who or what is Selma Snoop?

8. What is Delphi's plan for the Starbuck?

9. How do Dirk and LCDR Boland differ over how to wage battle against the men from the sea as they face impending attack on the Martha Ann?

10. What is unexpected and distinctly suspicious about the fog that suddenly overwhelms the Martha Ann? What kinds of conditions are required to create fog?

(see the answer keys)

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