The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 24, who tells the assembly that an immortal aided Odysseus?
(a) Medon.
(b) Halitherses.
(c) Theoclymenus.
(d) Mentor.

2. Why does Odysseus the beggar say he wants the bow after the suitors have all tried to use it?
(a) He wants to see how much strength he has left.
(b) He wants the suitors to warm it up for him.
(c) He wants to try for the lady.
(d) He wants to prove himself worthy of their mercy.

3. At his first feast in his own house, who throws a stool at Odysseus the beggar?
(a) Eurymachus.
(b) Antinous.
(c) Medon.
(d) Melanthius.

4. What test does Odysseus give his son in Book 16?
(a) Odysseus has instructed Telemachus to find the loyal servants of the house.
(b) Odysseus is waiting to see how his son fares in combat.
(c) He is not to tell a soul that Odysseus has returned to Ithaca alive and well.
(d) Odysseus wants to see if Telemachus can follow the plan.

5. Who sets up the axes for the trial of the bow?
(a) Antinous.
(b) Telemachus.
(c) Odysseus.
(d) Eurymachus.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Eurymachus' negotiations fail, what plan do the suitors make to escape from Odysseus' palace alive?

2. To whom does Odysseus pray the next morning after speaking with Penelope alone, looking for a sign?

3. Once Odysseus realizes he's in Ithaca, what does Athene advise him to do?

4. Where is Odysseus going in the morning in Book 23, the day after the battle with the suitors?

5. What gift does Menelaus give to Telemachus as they part company in Book 15?

(see the answer keys)

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