The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Odyssey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the shepherd from the mainland treat Odysseus the beggar when he first meets him at the palace courtyard?
(a) He treats the beggar rudely.
(b) He shows the beggar honor and respect.
(c) He ignores him completely.
(d) He greets him.

2. Who interprets the sign of the eagle and the goose as Telemachus and Peisistratus are leaving Lacedaemon?
(a) Peisistratus.
(b) Helen.
(c) Telemachus.
(d) Menelaus.

3. How does Odysseus' goatherd, Melanthius, treat Odysseus the beggar and Eumaeus?
(a) He ignored them.
(b) He is suspicious.
(c) He was happy to see the swineherd and interested in Odysseus.
(d) He is rude and unkind.

4. According to Penelope, when did Odysseus say it was acceptable for her to remarry?
(a) When Laertes dies.
(b) After Telemachus gets married.
(c) When Telemachus is a bearded man.
(d) When 21 years have passed.

5. Which suitor has a "bad feeling" after Odysseus the beggar tries to warn him of impending danger in Book 18?
(a) Amphinomous.
(b) Antinous.
(c) Eurymachus.
(d) Peisander.

6. When Eurymachus' negotiations fail, what plan do the suitors make to escape from Odysseus' palace alive?
(a) Someone should try the back door and get into town.
(b) They form a phalanx trying to protect themselves.
(c) Everyone wants to be the leader, so they spend their time squabbling.
(d) They want to attack all together then raise the alarm.

7. Why does Telemachus take Theoclymenus on his ship home?
(a) Telemachus realizes he needs all the allies he can get in Ithaca.
(b) Theoclymenus is fleeing from punishment.
(c) Theoclymenus pays him.
(d) Athena tells him to take the murderer.

8. Where is Odysseus going in the morning in Book 23, the day after the battle with the suitors?
(a) To the farm.
(b) To complete is quest to make peace with Poseidon.
(c) To his cave for his treasures.
(d) To the mountains.

9. In Book 24, which of the suitors' shades tells the tale of their death to Agamemnon?
(a) Amphinomous.
(b) Antinous.
(c) Amphimedon.
(d) Eurymachus.

10. Which suitor eases Penelope's fears for her son in Book 16?
(a) Antinous.
(b) Amphinomus.
(c) Medon.
(d) Eurymachus.

11. For what does Penelope pray after speaking with Odysseus the beggar in Book 20?
(a) She prays for Odysseus to return.
(b) She prays for the suitors to die.
(c) She prays for a good husband.
(d) She wishes to die.

12. In Book 24, who tells the assembly that an immortal aided Odysseus?
(a) Theoclymenus.
(b) Mentor.
(c) Medon.
(d) Halitherses.

13. What gift does Menelaus give to Telemachus as they part company in Book 15?
(a) A well-wrought bowl made by Hephaestus.
(b) A tapestry woven by Athena.
(c) A pair of mules.
(d) A cauldron used by the oracles.

14. How is Odysseus, the old stranger, received by the swineherd in Book 14?
(a) With indifference - he's only going through the motions.
(b) With much hospitality despite his appearance.
(c) Poorly - the swineherd sets the dogs on him.
(d) With suspicion - strangers tell tall tales about Odysseus' whereabouts.

15. What time of day do Odysseus and the Phaecians set sail in Book 13?
(a) It doesn't say.
(b) Noon.
(c) Dawn.
(d) Dusk.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Athene disguise Odysseus on Ithaca?

2. Who throws an ox-hoof at Odysseus the beggar?

3. In addition to Odysseus and Penelope, who knew the secret of the bed?

4. Which suitor scorns Odysseus the beggar at the second feast which he attends, in Book 20?

5. What makes Irus nervous about his fight with Odysseus the beggar?

(see the answer keys)

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