Notes of a Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Notes of a Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Baldwin, how does the book Native Son obliterate the good will of the people as a whole?
(a) The good will of the people is obliterated by the story that Negroes are always angry at white men.
(b) The good will of the people is obliterated by the story of hatred and the idea that Negroes can only become validated if they become more like white men.
(c) The good will of the people is obliterated by the story that stereotypical images share laudatory and heinous qualities with the best possible traits coming to the surface for white consumption.
(d) The good will of the people is obliterated by the story that white men only like subservient black men and women.

2. What was the aim of the quartet groups like the Melodeers?
(a) To change Whites' views of Black music.
(b) To travel to other parts of the country.
(c) To make a livelihood from music.
(d) To sing at churches.

3. Who played the villainous second male lead in Carmen Jones?
(a) Harry Belafonte.
(b) Joe Adams.
(c) Sidney Poitier.
(d) Sammy Davis, Jr.

4. Where did the Melodeers room while in Atlanta?
(a) YMCA.
(b) a Negro motel.
(c) The homes of Progressive Party members.
(d) YWCA.

5. According to Baldwin, why has the face of the Negro changed over time?
(a) Because of the white man's need for making Negroes as white as possible in order to interact with them.
(b) Because African Americans refuted the stereotypical images Aunt Jemima.
(c) Because of the portrayal of Uncle Tom.
(d) Because of the white man's need for making Negroes cook and clean the white man's home.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Baldwin describe literature on the subject of the Negro in America when it is written by Blacks?

2. Although it is known that African Americans are not biologically or mentally inferior, what occurred during the World War II?

3. Who is the author of Native Son?

4. According to Baldwin, who are the three most important characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin?

5. What genre of film is the movie Carmen Jones?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Baldwin think that there is nowhere on earth for the black man to call home?

2. How does Baldwin describe the Richard Wright's book, Native Son?

3. How are Ebony and Our World Magazines different?

4. Why do you think Baldwin distrusts his father's warnings about the weight of white people in the world?

5. How does Baldwin describe the social climate that existed when Richard Wright was writing Native Son?

6. Describe the lead characters, Dorothy Dandridge and Harry Belafonte, in Carmen Jones.

7. Why doesn't Baldwin get upset when the children in the Swiss Village call him Neger on the streets?

8. Why does Baldwin criticize Richard Wright's book, Native Son?

9. How does Baldwin escape prosecution in Paris?

10. Describe how Baldwin's Harlem compares to his parent's Harlem.

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