Notes From an Apocalypse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Notes From an Apocalypse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. O'Connell links the boy and the old man described in Chapter 5: "Off-World Colony" and imagines that there is "some vast collective of lone" what kind of "dancers" (131)?
(a) Ecstatic.
(b) Erroneous.
(c) Metaphysical.
(d) Esoteric.

2. Participants in the Ghost Dance are said to have believed that their dancing would hasten which event?
(a) The collection of wealth.
(b) A rainstorm.
(c) Human flight.
(d) The end of the world.

3. O'Connell depicts a time when he investigated a special niche of what sector?
(a) Banking.
(b) Travel.
(c) Investment.
(d) Real estate.

4. What type of sunglasses does O'Connell associate with the doomsday prepping community?
(a) Aviator.
(b) Wraparound.
(c) Mirrored.
(d) Polarized.

5. What is NOT a quality O'Connell attributes to the old man he saw dancing while stopped at a red light in Glendale?
(a) A beard.
(b) Long hair.
(c) An earring.
(d) A pair of headphones.

6. What role did Elon Musk play in the emergence of the company called SpaceX?
(a) Investor.
(b) CEO.
(c) Founder.
(d) Director.

7. What is the last name of the man named James Wesley who founded a movement called American Redoubt?
(a) Dawes.
(b) Miller.
(c) Jones.
(d) Rawles.

8. In Chapter 1: Tribulations, O'Connell asserts that his carbon footprint is as deep and wide as his what?
(a) His privilege.
(b) His pride.
(c) His guilt.
(d) His despair.

9. O'Connell recalls looking at what type of object over his son's head while also watching television with him?
(a) A clock.
(b) A laptop.
(c) A tablet.
(d) A phone.

10. How old was O'Connell when a family member told him about the nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia?
(a) 11 or 12.
(b) 5 or 6.
(c) 8 or 9.
(d) 13 or 14.

11. At the time when the show aired depicting Elon Musk and his son, for how many years had NASA's space shuttle program been defunct?
(a) 6.
(b) 12.
(c) 4.
(d) 9.

12. O'Connell discusses a piece of media called Doomsday Preppers. What was it?
(a) A book.
(b) A movie.
(c) A television show.
(d) A video game.

13. How many practical guidebooks about preparing for the end of the world did O'Connell read during his long period of study?
(a) A handful.
(b) Scores.
(c) Dozens.
(d) None.

14. What is the last name of O'Connell's friend Anthony?
(a) Boyd.
(b) Byrts.
(c) Michaels.
(d) Miller.

15. In what year did Doomsday Preppers emerge onto the cultural scene?
(a) 2012.
(b) 1999.
(c) 2006.
(d) 2011.

Short Answer Questions

1. In which century did St. Augustine write that the earliest followers of Jesus believed that the end of the world was near?

2. O'Connell discusses a piece of what type of media that went viral around the time he went to visit an apocalyptic compound?

3. In what branch of the military did the founder of the American Redoubt movement serve?

4. Which family member told O'Connell all about the nuclear conflict between Russia and the United States?

5. What adjective does O'Connell use in Chapter 5: "Off-World Colony" to describe the shape of the traditional Ghost Dance?

(see the answer keys)

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