Notes From an Apocalypse Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Mark O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Notes From an Apocalypse Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Mark O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7: The Final Resting Place of the Future.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. O'Connell states that when he thought about his son and his future, he felt a deep sense of what emotion?
(a) Melancholy.
(b) Bewilderment.
(c) Despair.
(d) Confusion.

2. O'Connell depicts a time when he investigated a special niche of what sector?
(a) Investment.
(b) Banking.
(c) Real estate.
(d) Travel.

3. O'Connell discusses a piece of media called Doomsday Preppers. What was it?
(a) A television show.
(b) A movie.
(c) A book.
(d) A video game.

4. Igor tells the tour group that if anyone of what type gets hurt at the Zone, there will be no more tours?
(a) Americans.
(b) Europeans.
(c) Ukranians.
(d) Children.

5. During O'Connell's study of the doomsday prepping movement, he came to see the movement as "a hysterical symptom of" what "itself" (20)?
(a) Despair.
(b) Paranoia.
(c) America.
(d) Boredom.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what location did Mark O'Connell travel when he visited a famous set of hills, as described in Chapter 3: Luxury Survival?

2. What is the first name of Vicino, the man O'Connell calls a real estate magnate for the end of days?

3. The movement of artists discussed in Chapter 6: "Under the Hide" believe that what element has returned to humankind and has ruined our world?

4. O'Connell describes arriving at the conclusion that which island was a metaphor for all of earth in the modern age?

5. In what year was the amusement park featured in Chapter 7: "The Final Resting Place" scheduled to open?

(see the answer key)

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