Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Final Test - Hard

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Final Test - Hard

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. As the revolution begins, what is Nicholas writing to Alexandra about?

2. On whom does Alexandra rely as her adviser after Nicholas goes to Stavka?

3. The Tobolsk population is loyal to the:

4. How much of the Russian army is destroyed by the summer of 1915?

5. Rasputin's murderers are trying to ________ the monarchy.

Short Essay Questions

1. Under what conditions does England agree to grant the Romanovs asylum, and why is the request eventually withdrawn?

2. What happens to all of the money that is sent to Siberia to help the Romanovs?

3. In the period immediately following the assassination of Tsar Nicholas and his family, why do as many of his Romanov relatives as are able leave Russia?

4. To what is the collapse of the Russian monarchy near the end of World War I ultimately attributed?

5. In the letter that turns out to prophesy his death as well as the fate of the monarchy, what does Rasputin say happens to the Romanovs if his death is at the hands of peasants or commoners? Likewise, what does he say happens to the monarchy if his death is at the hands of nobles?

6. During the sixteen months Nicholas is at either Stavka or the front, Alexandra is in charge of the administrative functions of the government. What is the result of Alexandra's leadership?

7. After the revolution, 630 letters from Alexandra to Nicholas, written while Nicholas is at the Stavka, are found in Ekaterinburg. What do the letters contain?

8. Under the 'protection' of Captain Kotzebue's revolutionaries, how are the Romanovs treated at first?

9. When strikers marched in the streets on Sunday, March 11, 1917, they find that signs are posted by order of the Tsar. What do the signs say?

10. How are the Romanovs lured to their deaths, and who tells them they were going to die? How long after the announcement of their impending death are the Romanovs killed?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Using the text and by doing research on the disease as well as using what is learned in class, describe and explain what hemophilia is, why it only occurs in males, and how Queen Victoria is believed to have become a carrier. How does this disease affect the Romanovs' fate?

Essay Topic 2

Analyze and explain, supporting your remarks with the text, why Nicholas' plans to follow his father, Alexander's, autocratic principles as Tsar strengthen the revolutionaries' cause.

Essay Topic 3

Analyze and explain how the Tsar's reaction to and handling of the Assembly of Russian Workingmen strike that begins at the Putilov Steel Works and ends in bloodshed on "Bloody Sunday," January 22, 1905, change people's attitudes toward the Tsar and strengthen the revolutionary movement instead of quelling it as the Tsar hopes. Support your remarks with the text.

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