Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the response of Kaiser William, the ruler of Germany and Tsar Nicholas' cousin, to the Austrian shelling of Serbia?
(a) He invades Serbia.
(b) He allies Germany with Serbia and, therefore, with Russia as well.
(c) He invades Austria.
(d) He allies Germany with Austria and, therefore, against Russia and Serbia.

2. Which European ruler is the blood cousin of Tsar Nicholas II?
(a) Kaiser William II of Germany.
(b) President Emile Loubet of France.
(c) Queen Victoria of England.
(d) Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands.

3. How do Nicholas and Alexandra deal with Alexis' medical condition?
(a) They keep it a secret.
(b) They ignore it.
(c) They are very open and public about it.
(d) They don't know about it.

4. When do Tsars invoke the blessing of the icon the Vladimir Mother of God?
(a) When they are crowned.
(b) During war.
(c) Before they go to bed.
(d) During peace.

5. Who is Nicholas' most important tutor?
(a) Petrovich Constantine Pobedonostsev.
(b) Constantine Petrovich Pobedonostsev.
(c) Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
(d) Gregory Rasputin.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Tsar is the ruler of which country?

2. What does Rasputin do as a child that earns him a reputation as a seer?

3. What type of economy does Russia have in 1906, when Peter Stolypin becomes prime minister of Russia?

4. "Tsar" is another word for:

5. What Russian city is the hometown of Vladimir Lenin?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Tsar Alexander and Empress Marie want Nicholas to marry Princess Helene of France instead of Alix of Hesse?

2. What Russian institutions do Peter the Great develop?

3. How does the Russo-Japanese war end?

4. How do Lenin's studies at the University of Kazan end?

5. What outdoor activities does Alexis want to engage in but can not due to his hemophilia?

6. When World War I begins, why do Nicholas and Alexandra travel to Moscow?

7. Why do Russian Easter celebrations include large banquets?

8. During the summer of 1912, while the family is at their hunting lodge in Spala, how does Alexis incur the hemorrhage in his groin and thigh that nearly kills him?

9. When World War I begins, the Tsar is reluctant to become involved because Russia is not prepared for war. Why is Russia not prepared for war?

10. After Stolypin and Kokovtsov each have personal interviews with Rasputin when they are in office, what happens to them?

(see the answer keys)

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