Neverwhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Neverwhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the marquis so happy to help Door?
(a) He wants to woo her.
(b) He knows she will owe him a favor.
(c) He wants news of her sister, who he loves.
(d) He has been wondering where she went to.

2. Where is the Earl's Court located?
(a) A tree.
(b) A subway car.
(c) A castle ruin.
(d) An abandoned house.

3. Who opens the portal to London Above?
(a) Richard.
(b) The Earl.
(c) Carabas.
(d) Door.

4. What kind of creature does Richard refuse to believe in on his first day below?
(a) Demons.
(b) Rat Speakers.
(c) Shamans.
(d) Angels.

5. How does Croup's boss contact him after he talks about wanting to kill him?
(a) He sends a letter.
(b) He sends a rat with a message.
(c) He speaks telepathically.
(d) He uses a phone.

6. What does Richard's fiancee hope to mold him into?
(a) A model of sophistication.
(b) An aristocrat.
(c) A doctor of great means.
(d) A man of respect and fear.

7. What does Croup say he is looking for when he comes to Richard's apartment?
(a) A wounded victim.
(b) A missing sister.
(c) A runaway patient.
(d) A fugitive.

8. Who protects Richard from what lives by the trains in the Below?
(a) Varney.
(b) Hunter.
(c) Door.
(d) Marquis.

9. What has Croup been responsible for throughout history?
(a) High profile murders.
(b) Raising his boss to higher planes.
(c) Stealing ideas.
(d) Changing the pace of time.

10. How did Door's family die?
(a) They were twinkled.
(b) They acclimated to Upper London.
(c) They were murdered.
(d) They died of diphtheria.

11. What does Richard buy at the market with his ballpoint pen?
(a) A cinnamon bun.
(b) A hat.
(c) A new shirt.
(d) A sandwich.

12. Why does the girl who takes Richard to the market say he can never return to the other world?
(a) You are locked into contract when you go below.
(b) The other world no longer exists to him.
(c) You can only live in one world.
(d) He has no choice; nobody does.

13. What is the third traveler on the bridge dressed in?
(a) Wool.
(b) Armor.
(c) Leather.
(d) Fur.

14. What lives by the trains in the Below?
(a) A creature with tentacles.
(b) Large bees.
(c) Rats.
(d) A city of dwarves.

15. What is Croup told to do when he next sees Door?
(a) Capture her.
(b) Scare her.
(c) Protect her.
(d) Kill her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Court do when Hunter is introduced at Court?

2. What was the name of the city that the marquis retreated from?

3. What stresses Jessica on the night of her father's unveiling?

4. How long has the British Museum station been closed?

5. What does the woman outside the pub tell Richard to beware of?

(see the answer keys)

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